Chris comments to Kathy that she's dressing well considering she's only working in the pub. Kim calls round to invite them round to a dinner party. Lynn finds Reg trying to gain access to the church. She informs him that the church is locked nowadays due to break-ins. Viv is disappointed when she learns that Reg is planning to stay on in the village for a while. He offers to cook tea. Jack gives evidence at the inquest, explaining how he and Frank built the bridge for the emergency services to get through. Bernard is concerned about Michael's reluctance to believe Elizabeth's postmortem results. He remains certain that Eric murdered his mother. Reg shows Scott a picture of them both with Viv from when he was five on a fishing trip. He tells him it was one of the only things to keep him going through the prison sentence. Jack begins handing out the wedding invites. Bernard and Angharad spot Biff riding through the village with Jess on the back of his bike.