A série documental brasileira acompanha a viagem de dois amigos biólogos, Vini e Rato, completamente alucinados por serpentes. Eles atravessam o país em busca das mais perigosas e fascinantes espécies, com muita amizade e bom humor.
Two scientist friends, snake experts, travel through various forests and regions of Brazil in search of different and incredible native snakes. In each episode, the viewer feels the suspense of the search, the tension of the approach, the beauty of each animal and the discovery of scientific data. All this enlivened by the good humor of Rato and Vini, the stars of the show and renowned researchers in this huge South American country.
Dos amigos científicos, expertos en serpientes, recorren diversos bosques y regiones de Brasil en busca de distintas e increíbles serpientes autóctonas.
Dokumenttisarja, jossa kaksi tieteilijää etsii erilaisia käärmeitä.