Chuta and the others were given a task to provide security for someone. The person they were in charge of protecting was one of the best scientists in Space, Dr. Love. Laine tells them that this will be a joint effort with division 5 and they meet up with the division 5 leader, Veronica, and Investigator Ninotchka and try to immediately get in contact with Dr. Love. However, they see a shocking sight...
Le Q.G. d’ēlDLIVE a mené une enquête interne suite à l’évasion de Dragline pendant la formation de Chûta. Les vidéo de surveillance sont accablantes : c’est bien Misuzu qui a sectionné les barreaux de la cellule du criminel. Elle se fait arrêter, et tout l’équipage du Jean Reno-R doit subir un interrogatoire.
Misuzu es acusada como sospechosa de ayudar a un alienígena a escapar, aunque ella no recuerda haberlo hecho. Para salvarla, Chuta deberá colaborar con la sección 5 y encontrar a Doctor Love.