Ferdo, ki je bil včasih aktiven član in funkcionar lovskega društva, se s kolegi odpravi na tradicionalni vsakoletni lov. Tega dne na policijski postaji dobijo klic, da je eden od lovcev umrl zaradi strelne rane. Prič ni, kmalu se izkaže, da je prav Ferdo glavni osumljenec. Primer prevzame inšpektor Urh, ki se zato pripelje iz Ljubljane. Luka skuša pomagati Ferdu, a ga Urh umakne iz preiskave. Bo Luka ubogal Urha ali bo vseeno skušal pomagati kolegu?
Ferdo, who was once an active member and functionary of the hunting association, goes on a traditional annual hunt with his colleagues. That day, they get a call at the police station that one of the hunters died from a gunshot wound. There are no witnesses, it soon turns out that Ferdo is the main suspect. The case is taken over by Inspector Urh, who is therefore coming from Ljubljana. Luka tries to help Ferdo, but Urh withdraws him from the investigation. Will Luka obey Urh, or will he try to help his colleague anyway?