This week Andrew and Niki cover a burger in cheese!
“I’ve just been doing everything wrong my whole life.”
“A little danger adds a lot of excitement to a meal!”
“I was hoping there was a secret I was missing for why I was doing it so badly.”
"OMG, that really is large!"
“OMG, that’s a lot of fire.”
"It looks like doggy poo."
“It’s the size of a kitten!”
"It's like freshly shampooed hair."
“Imagine making this in your apartment with your neighbors downstairs.”
"Why did you let me do this? This is a bad idea!"
"Are you a goth? I wish." Sponsored by Smirnoff.
"Ok, that looks decent."
"I think I can do this, and I think it's going to be a really delicious day."
Andrew and Niki are challenged to re-create the sushi for cats from Jun’s Kitchen:
It can't be done!
“Rie’s crying because she can’t believe how good it is!”
“I’m so sorry.”
This time Rie has been challenged!