In the first programme of this brand new 16-part series,one of Ireland's Rugby World Cup stars, Mike Ross, invites us along to his home farm in Ballyhooley. The Irish prop helps out with the milking and recalls his formative years piking bails and grappling heifers. Helen Carroll investigates the alarming increase in rural crime that has swept the nation as she speaks to some of the people whose lives have been directly affected by break-ins, thefts and assaults. Darragh McCullough is in the eye of the storm as a rapidly expanding dairy farmer. Ear to the Ground will go behind the scenes on Darragh's farm this winter to see the drama unfolding. Also back this Autumn will be our popular 'Food Journeys' strand where we take an in-depth look at how food makes its way to our plates. Whether you fancy single malt whiskey, elderflower cordial or Comeragh mountain lamb, you will learn its unique food journey from Helen and Ella.