When someone asks you how you’re doing, is your fi rst inclination to say, “Busy, overloaded, running like crazy?” If so, it’s no wonder. Studies show that we Americans have way more things to “get done” than there are hours in a day to do them. While there are some unavoidable seasons of stress, there are wise choices we can make for a more replenished, joyful, energized life.
Sometimes Christians get accused of what’s called “perpetual niceness.” And it’s good to be nice, the Bible calls us to a higher form of love and forgiveness than what might be expected. But is it ever “loving” to confront bad behavior and even restrict someone who is hurtful to others? The Bible teaches that it is.
Psychology Today says that “Loneliness is not about being alone, it’s about not feeling connected.” It’s possible to be surrounded by people in a stadium, classroom or workplace and feel lonely. But some of our best friends and closest relationships might not even be in our lives yet. They are yet to be discovered!
More and more these days, people are saying “I believe in God, I like Jesus, but I’ve had it with the church. In this message we’ll look at the reasons why many are giving up on church, but also paint a picture of how beautiful the church can be when it’s running the way God intended.
Once we’ve put our trust in Jesus as our Savior, then what? What does God really want us to do? When each of us stands before God one day to give an account of our lives, will we have done what God asked of us, or will some of us be embarrassed?
Once we’ve put our trust in Jesus as our Savior, then what? What does God really want us to do? When each of us stands before God one day to give an account of our lives will we have done what God asked of us, or will some of us be embarrassed?
God wants every one of us to be in relationship with him and others. It’s why God created marriage, family, friends, and church. Often these relationships can be the most difficult part of life, a broken marriage, a wayward son or daughter, a failed business partnership, an addicted spouse, a damaged friendship, a faithless father, a whacky mother, or a messed up sibling. Everything in life comes down to our relationships. God intends for us to be connected to each other and to have deep, healthy and meaningful relationships. Remember, “For where two or three gather as my followers, I am there among them” (Matthew 18:20).
For some people the idea of talking to others about matters of faith is outside of their comfort zone. They may live by the motto, “There are two things people should never talk about politics and religion.” But from God’s perspective if there’s one thing believer should talk about it’s what we believe. Jesus said, “Go make disciples of all nations.” But it’s hard to make disciples if we’re unwilling to talk to anyone about Jesus. We may not feel prepared or ready to share our faith, but there is something every believer can do—invite people to church.
Every year the Bible is the top-selling book around the world, and yet most people aren’t reading it. For some it’s that we think we’re too busy; some don’t like to read; and others tried to read the Bible at one point but got confused and gave up. In this message we’ll not only help you read and understand this best-selling book, we’ll also help you enjoy it.
Whenever you get a text message you try to check it right away. You can be traveling on a freeway, sitting in a classroom, board meeting or an interview that determines your entire future, but if you get a text it’s like “Hold it, I got a text!” What’s amazing is that God has sent us the best text message ever, but so few of us read it and then wonder why our life isn’t working like it should.
If there’s one thing that’s needed today it’s a sense of peace. All we have to do is turn on the TV and we can begin to worry about where our neighborhoods, cities, nation and world are headed. Add to that what might be happening with our job, in our families, or with our friends, and it’s no wonder we live with anxiety. Yet, Jesus said, “I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart.” Jesus wants us to live with his peace; it’s a gift He’s given us. So the question is how do we do life with a deeper sense of God’s peace?
One of the big questions we who put our trust in Jesus have to ask ourselves is: “How much of my life will I truly turn over to God and will I trust Him with every area of my life, or just parts of it?”
Have you ever doubted your salvation or wondered “There has to be more to it than just faith?” Maybe there’s a sin or habit that you can’t seem to overcome and that causes you to doubt your salvation. You’re not alone—even the best of us sin, because none of us are perfect. Still, what is grace? What is faith? And what is the role of good works with regard to salvation?
The promises we’ve looked at so far in this series—if we believe them and live by them—will change our present, future, and eternity. This message's promise is different. Romans 8:28 is a great promise of hope, but most people don’t turn to it unless they are going through a difficult time. It’s the kind of promise we wish we didn’t need, “that in all things God works for the good of those who love him.” Unfortunately, some people don’t see this verse as a promise of hope, but a source of disappointment, because they aren’t clear about what it’s really saying. We need to understand what this verse is saying, and what it’s not saying, if our hope is going to remain strong.
Do you ever feel like you’re going through deep waters and difficult days? Ever feel like you’re having a hard time keeping your head above water? Most of us live with some amount of fear or a sense of being overwhelmed, and yet over 300 times the phrase “fear not” or “do not fear” is found in the Bible. Apparently our fears are a big deal to God. Today we’re going to look at a promise from the Bible that can get you through even the most fearful and overwhelming times in life.
We live in a world that’s full of differences. It’s important for us to know which differences matter. This message kicks off a series called, “What’s the Difference?” and addresses the main differences between two of the most popular groups within Christianity—Catholics and Protestants.
There are a lot of different religions in the world, and although many have similarities, there are many differences as well. This message takes a close look at Mormonism and how it compares to Christianity. Pastor Bob teaches through some similarities, but also concludes that Christianity and Mormonism are “far from being the same fish.”
n this message, we learn about the similarities and differences between Muslims and Christians. The goal in this series is to help us have a basic understanding of other predominant faiths so that when God gives us an opportunity to have a conversation with a person of a different faith background, we’ll be prepared and equipped to respond to them with confidence and love.
In many ways, Judaism seems like it’s become an unknown religion. Most people have heard of Hanukkah, some have heard of Yom Kippur, but what is Judaism all about, and how is it different from Christianity? In this message, we’ll see how the major similarities and differences impact our lives.
As parents, we want the best for our kids. We hope they turn out to be people of character who are self-controlled, courageous, responsible, and faith-filled. But it doesn’t take long to realize these qualities don’t come naturally to them. It takes intentionality on our part as parents. The question is, how do we raise faith-filled kids?
What is the climate of comfort in your home? Children who grow up in homes that are excessively comfortable don’t do well. The signs of excessive comfort are laziness, boredom, selfishness, entitlement, and a lack of skill development. That’s not amazing. Our job as parents is to help our kids become responsible and productive adults. But how?
In early 2012, one of the purest voices to ever sing was silenced when Whitney Houston died a tragic death at age 48. She joins a host of others whose lives were cut short: John Belushi, Chris Farley, Michael Jackson, Heath Ledger, and Amy Winehouse. The reason? They had something in their life they couldn’t control. In this message, Bob Merritt discusses the importance of self-control and shares ways to instill this value in your kids.
Every parent has a natural instinct to protect their kids and keep them safe at all cost. However, at the end of the day, most parents would also say they don’t just want kids who are safe. They also want kids who are courageous. They want kids who have conviction, courage, and will take a stand for Christ. In this message we’ll talk about how to raise amazing kids who are courageous.
The teachings of Jesus were often counterintuitive to his listeners 2,000 years ago, and they can still be counterintuitive to us today. His teachings can confront and even confuse us, but what we can be sure of is Jesus always wants us to grow in our faith. The problem is there will be times that we are going to experience something that will cause us to question what we believe. Our faith will be shaken, and we will hit a barrier that could not only stop our growth, but if we let it, it could cause us to walk away from God.
Sometimes I look at pro athletes or country singers and wish I had their life. I think, “Now that person has it made.” But do they? The money’s great, but what about their personal life, their relationships, peace, joy and forgiveness? What about their eternal standing with God when it’s all over? Who really is the blessed person?
I run into someone just about every day who irritates me. And I can form little grudges in my heart; little battle lines. I may even say something snippy or withhold kindness to punish that person. But when I do, my heart gets a little harder, and I lose any chance to experience the goodness in that person.
How many people do you know who are striving to be the “least” instead of the “greatest”? Not many. Not only is it counterintuitive, it’s not even a natural instinct for us as humans. And yet, Jesus says that those who want to be great should actually be the least among us. What does he mean? In this message we’ll find out how to be great in God’s eyes.
Everyone of us goes through transitions in life. Some of those transitions leave us anxious, stressed, and scared. In this message we’ll learn that if you want to take new territory in life, you have to be strong and courageous in Christ.
Have you ever thought that you couldn’t recover from a bad choice, failure, or setback? The redemptive story of the Bible is that Christ offers the chance to start over to everyone. But it takes a choice; a courageous choice that’s available to every human being.
If you’re a Christ follower, God will lead you to major river crossings during your life that will scare you. And they will be impossible to cross unless God shows up and does a miracle. Miracles never happen on the bank, they always happen in the river.
Joshua and the Israelites have just crossed over the Jordan River into the Promised Land—the land God had promised they would eventually settle in and become a nation. The first city that needed to be conquered was Jericho, and it was surrounded by a tall, thick, reinforced wall. The wall is what separated Joshua from his goal. In the same way, we all may face a wall of our own, and our walls separate us from our desired future—like a better marriage, quality friendships, or a healthy lifestyle.
Joshua and the Israelites have crossed into the Promised Land and have conquered the first city, Jericho. God performed another miracle by causing the walls around the city to fall. The next city to take is Ai, but this time God’s people are defeated. Joshua knows God is no longer with them, but why? One man named Achan took some of the plunder when God instructed them not to. Achan’s one small sin had the potential to derail what God had planned for his people. In the same way, our small, and seemingly harmless, mistakes have the potential to derail what God wants to do in us.
Is there an area of your life that feels impossible? If the size of your need seems too big for you, it’s just the right size for God. If you are in a situation where you’re saying, “The only way this can happen is for God to do it,” you are in God’s wheelhouse. God still makes the sun stand still. He still does the impossible in people’s lives.
Some people wonder why God doesn’t bless them with good relationships, a great family and amazing opportunities, and they’re waiting for God to act. Often, God is waiting for them to put a stake in the ground and start living in obedience to him. Obedience is the trigger that releases God’s blessings.
The book of Revelation is one of the most mysterious in the Bible, filled with bizarre imagery, strange creatures and intrigue. The two most common mistakes people make is they either become obsessed with Revelation and get freaked out about the end times, or they completely ignore it.
"Do you ever look around and think, “Is God really in control? Is there anyone guiding human history?” In today’s message we’ll see that there’s a throne in heaven. And that throne is occupied. Not by a politician, president, or person, but by Jesus Christ himself. And so no matter how stressful, chaotic or diffi cult your life gets, the rock solid truth that you can rely on when your feet hit the ground in the morning is: Jesus Christ is on the throne. He’s in control."
So far in the series we have seen what Jesus said to the seven churches, and that some of the compliments and complaints he had would be the same things he would likely say to us today. Then last week we got a glimpse of what worship will be like in heaven. So far John’s vision has been upbeat and encouraging, but today marks a turning point. Watch or listen to this message as we see the beginning of Christ’s judgment.
Ever wonder if there’s more to life than what you can see with your eyes? This week, in our continuing study of the Book of Revelation, John gets a vision of a war taking place in heaven. But this war isn’t just relegated to heaven. It affects our lives now. And so John writes because he wants every Christian to overcome. No matter what life or Satan throws your way, you can be one who overcomes.
Today we will be looking at seven angels, one at a time, pour out God’s wrath from a bowl. These seven bowls of wrath represent the end of God’s judgment, and the end of the world. Whether you believe what we’re reading in Revelation will happen literally or you think John’s vision is more symbolic, it can make some people wonder. Why does God have to do all this? Why does God seem so…harsh? Watch or listen as we learn that God isn’t doing this just to be mean, or pay people back, instead we’ll discover two reasons why God’s wrath is a good thing.
One minute you’re alive, the next you are not. One minute air flows through your lungs, the next you gasp your last breath. One minute you’re before a doctor, the next you are before God. In less than 10 seconds, your body will die, your soul will depart, and you will be standing before God to give an account of your life. The question is this: Are you prepared for that day?
What do you think of when you think of heaven? A bright light? Floating on clouds? Seeing friends and family that are already there? Maybe a better question is, are you excited to go there? Heaven is where God lives, and it’s the place where believers go when they die, but John in Revelation talks about a new heaven and a new earth. This is the place where God’s people will spend eternity after the final judgment. What will it be like and why should we look forward to heaven?
Final words often have fi rst importance. Revelation is full of imagery and drama surrounding heaven, hell, Satan, the anti-Christ, Armageddon, the rapture, and tribulation. But in the end there’s only one thing that matters.
"The New York Times bestselling author, columnist and frequent guest on nightly news shows, Carl Bernstein writes: “For the first time, the weird and the stupid and the coarse are becoming our cultural norm, even our cultural ideal.” Ours is a culture filled with toxic influences that can poison our family and faith."
“If you go to work or school tomorrow, the people that you see who have their heads hanging low, are sad, depressed or burned out. You can usually trace it back to a hurtful interaction they had with someone. When someone is hurting, 99 percent of the time, somebody else’s words were on the other end of that.” —Henry Cloud Our words can do enormous good, but when they are toxic, they inflict massive pain and damage.
Do you realize what toxic thoughts do to your life? Your negative thoughts are what cause you to be grumpy and irritable. Your anxious thoughts are what rob you of what the Bible calls “a peace that passes all understanding.” Your discontented thoughts take away the joy that Christ offers. And your critical thoughts clog up your ability to love people. If you could identify, reject, and replace your toxic thoughts, so much could change in your life for the good.
As we’ve moved through the Toxic message series, we’ve seen that our words, thoughts and influences are all things that we have direct control over. The same is true when it comes to our faith. God may have stirred our heart to put our faith in Jesus, but we have the responsibility to then put the hard work into growing our faith. Without even knowing, we may have turned our faith in Christ into a toxic religion.
"Why do we tend to love and hurt the same people? The people I love the most are usually the ones I hurt the most. Jesus said “My command is this: Love one another as I have loved you.” The ability to love one another is THE sign of spiritual authenticity."
When we compare ourselves with others who seem better, brighter, skinnier, or richer than us we become envious and lose our contentment. Simply put, envy is when we resent God’s goodness in other people’s lives and ignore God’s goodness in our own.
"Why do we tend to hurt the people we love the most? The Bible says, “So encourage one another and build each other up, just as you are already doing.” Think of one relationship in your life that you wish was healthier. I’ll bet a big part of the problem is a lack of encouragement. In fact, if we could increase the encouragement quota in our life, all our relationships would improve."
It’s impossible to be in a friendship, business, school or family and not have confl ict. Everyone has confl ict, but not everyone handles it well. Also, confl ict gets a bad rap. Conflict is normal, necessary and helpful in solving problems and making wise decisions.
Nothing is more powerful, more shocking and more unfair than forgiveness. And nothing penetrates the human more than real, heart-wrenching, life-giving forgiveness.
Many of us grew up going to church, but that doesn’t mean we really know how to pray. We may know some of the basics, but that doesn’t mean our prayer life is good. We may not even be sure what a good prayer life looks like. It’s not often that someone says, “My prayer life is awesome!” Yet, I think we’d all like to experience what the Bible tells us comes through prayer, things like peace, God’s grace, and less anxiety.
Jesus says, “Ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it!” How can Jesus say, “Ask and you’ll receive,” and yet there are so many times in our prayer life when we ask, and we don’t receive?
Bob Merritt has been the senior pastor of Eagle Brook Church for more than 20 years. Hear a little bit about what he thinks about, feels and hears as he gets ready to speak from the platform every weekend.
"Do you know any impossible people? Maybe you’re married to one. That’s tough. Maybe you work next to one or go to school with one. When someone’s impossible and beyond hope, it’s easy to give up on them."
"There’s a painful side to sacrifice. There’s a cost; a price. You have to give something up. But on the other side of sacrifice is joy. “Jesus endured the cross, for the joy that was set before him.” Anything worthwhile in life requires sacrifice. But what's the payoff?"
Learn about where we're headed as a church and get involved in One by One. To make a pledge and to track our progress, visit ebconebyone.com.
There’s a monumental difference between believing that God exists and believing in Jesus Christ. In this message we’ll look at the hope that’s found when we stop just believing there’s a God out there someplace, to believing “in him."
"Think about the bad choices you’ve made throughout life. Some decisions we knew were bad before we made them, so we end up saying to ourselves, “What was I thinking?” The other kind of bad choice is the one we didn’t know was bad until after we made it. What if we could know the outcome of a decision beforehand? That’s what God offers us. John 3:16 tells us what the two outcomes are to the biggest decision we can ever make in life.
Life is unfair and sometimes cruel. Sometimes we’re the victim of someone else’s irresponsibility. But if I’m not careful, blaming others for my lack of progress can become a habitual fallback that keeps me stuck. Even if it is someone else’s fault, blaming others doesn’t solve my problem – I still have to deal with the problem.
"What is in your life that you just can’t seem to stop? No matter how hard you try, you can’t seem to overcome it? You’re not alone. One of the heros of the Christian faith, Paul the apostle, struggled with something that he couldn’t overcome, either. But there are two keys to winning the battle."
But it’s not hurting anyone has become a cultural value by which many people live their lives. It’s not hurting anyone so why not do it? It’s not hurting anyone so who cares what the Bible says? It’s not hurting anyone so what does it really matter?
Even the most accomplished people feel inadequate at times. Every single person is insecure in some way. Every one of us doubts if we have what it takes in multiple areas of our life. During this message, Teaching Pastor Jason Strand gives three truths out of God’s Word, that you can draw from whenever you’re tempted to say, “I don’t have what it takes.”
"How many times have you thought or said, “But things won’t change.” We might have said it about a relationship that wasn’t working, a job we didn’t like, or a difficult family member. When we say, “But things won’t change,” what we’re really saying is, “I wish things were different. I don’t like the way things are, but I can’t do anything about it.” And because we feel like we’re powerless to do anything about our situation we’re left to stew in our frustration or bitterness. But what if it didn’t have to be this way? What if we didn’t have to settle for the status quo? "
Americans have all sorts of time-saving options and devices and yet we’re as stressed out and busy as ever. Most of us frequently feel as if we don’t have enough time. And in some ways, we’re right. The Bible says our days on earth are numbered. In this message, we discover how we can number our days so that we can get the most out of the life God has given us.
"The Bible says that a person is saved by their faith in Christ. Ephesians 2:8: “You are saved through faith, not by works.” But the verse goes on to say, “For we are God’s workmanship created in Christ to do good works.” Saved through faith, for good works. It’s pretty clear. So why do so many Christians have doubts about their faith? What are some indicators of genuine faith?"
Is there a person in your life that when you hear their name or see their face it sends a jolt of negative feelings through you? When the Bible says, “Love others,” what does that mean? Is it just a feeling, or is it more than that?
The Bible is clear that you are a genuine Christian, saved and forgiven, the moment you put your belief and your trust in Jesus. But what are the signs that your belief is real? John says that one of the signs has something to do with what you value or crave.
"Throughout this series we’ve been looking at what signs we should see in our life that tell us our faith is real. The apostle John highlights things like; our sin should bother us; our love for others should be growing; and we should value our relationship with God more than we value our stuff. In this final message, John says that those who are genuine followers of Christ will endure in their faith. The question is: How do we do that? In light of the challenges life throws at us that can cause us to question God and have doubts, how do we endure in our faith?"
When someone has potential, it means they have the ingredients to do or become something great. Potential isn’t actual, potential just means that the possibility exists. It’s what you do with potential that counts.
Samson had great potential, but ultimately he squandered most of it. He was a victim of the most common mistakes that men make. What are they, and what can we do to avoid them?We’ll find out in this message.
We all have a weakness of some kind. For some it’s food, for others it’s spending, but if there’s one broad generality we can make about most men one of their greatest vulnerabilities is women. We see this weakness played out all the time. It doesn’t matter if you call yourself a Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, or Atheist. It doesn’t matter what a guy’s social or economic status is. We’ve seen CEOs, professional sports figures, coaches, and politicians fall, so it’s not a matter of intelligence either. Most men are vulnerable to allowing a God-given desire to take over, which can lead to relational, emotional, and spiritual disaster. The question is-how can men manage this weakness?
"We’ve all made mistakes and failed at various times in our lives. But our failures don't have to be final. They don't need to define us forever. There may be some lasting or lingering effects from our mistakes, but God is big enough to help us overcome them. Watch or listen to this message as Senior Pastor Bob Merritt wraps up the story about Samson and the MENtality series."
Evolution is huge topic, and as Senior Pastor Bob Merritt states in his message, his goal is not to exhaust the topic or to win over die-hard evolutionists; rather his goal is to present the basic tenets of evolution and offer four reasons why he thinks that creation is far more believable than Darwin’s theory of evolution.
Today, more and more people have a deep need for connection with God, yet there is a growing number of people who do not identify with organized religion. There’s a movement toward identifying with being spiritual but not religious, and with that idea comes the belief that all religions lead to the same God. But do they? Watch or listen to this message as Senior Pastor Bob Merritt tackles the question, "Are all religions the same?"
The resurrection is the core of the Christian faith and assures our eternal life in heaven. Watch or listen to this message as Teaching Pastor Jason gives five pieces of evidence why he believes that Jesus Christ is the Resurrection and the Life.
"The Bible is the foundation for the way we live our lives as Christians. But some people ask, “Is it trustworthy?” In this message, Teaching Pastor Jason Anderson talks about the credibility of the Bible. Because it is trustworthy, it can speak into our lives, show us what is true and right, and help us to see Jesus more clearly."
God cares about us and created our world exactly how we need it to be. He also created us is His image, both male and female. We learn about God’s expert works and love for his people in the book of Genesis. This week, we look at God’s goodness in the world and the importance that he places on healthy relationships.
This week’s message identifies human selfishness, pride and rebellion as the cause of a broken world. Watch or listen to this message as Senior Pastor Bob Merritt talks about where sin began and how it shows up in our lives today.
Watch or listen to this message as Teaching Pastor Jason Anderson talks about why a good God would destroy an entire nation with a flood and save only one family.
As we continue this series in Genesis, Teaching Pastor Jason Strand talks about Abraham, who walked by faith and did some amazing things in life, even at an old age. In this message, we learn from Abraham's faith and discuss how we can experience the abundant life that God desires for us today.
"Can you imagine what a society completely set against God would look like? Or, a society that made a sport out of sinning? Watch or listen to this message as Teaching Pastor Jason Strand tells the story of ""The Sin Cities""–Sodom and Gomorrah–and gives three ways that you can make a difference in our world today. "
By nature, we as humans don’t enjoy most tests, and some of the most challenging tests that we will face in life will be spiritual ones. Watch or listen to this message as Teaching Pastor Jason Anderson talks about why God sometimes allows our faith to be tested.
The Bible is filled with some of the same stories of dysfunction, pain and drama that we experience today. Thankfully, we can learn a lot from them. Watch or listen to this message as Teaching Pastor Jason Strand continues our study of Genesis with “The Twins” and talks about how the decisions you make today can affect the rest of your life.
"We all face hard times. Sometimes they’re brought on by ourselves and sometimes by others. However, even though times may be hard, your lowest point could be just the beginning of spiritual greatness in your life."
We all face hard times. Sometimes they’re brought on by ourselves and sometimes by others. However, even though times may be hard, your lowest point could be just the beginning of spiritual greatness in your life.
Culture affects each one of us in profound ways–it influences what we wear, what we eat, how we think about others and ourselves, and even how we perceive and interpret the world around us. Culture is relentless and powerful as it shapes our attitudes, expectations and what we accept as normal. In this message, Teaching Pastor Jason Anderson explores what God and culture have to say about love, sex and dating.
Our culture gives people the idea that there's just one person meant for us, that the right person is out there somewhere waiting to be found. And the TV shows and romantic comedies we watch reinforce that. But what if that idea is just a myth? What if marriage is less about finding the right person and more about becoming the right person? In this message, Teaching Pastor Jason Strand uncovers "The Right Person Myth" and explains the Bible's principles of dating and marriage.
Dating and marriage are not easy, and they can be even more difficult when approached with little advice or preparation. In this message, Senior Pastor Bob Merritt shares fatherly advice about relationships and encourages us to focus on becoming healthy and whole ourselves rather than on changing the other person.
The Bible answers many questions about dating, sex and marriage, but these topics remain confusing at times. In this message, Teaching Pastor Jason Anderson discusses some of these questions and encourages us to honor God with our bodies by keeping ourselves sexually pure for our future or current spouse, and to make faith the foundation of our relationships and marriage.
So often in life we get labeled by someone with something that isn't true about us, and it makes us feel excluded, inadequate or unattractive, like we don't belong. In our new series Labeled, we'll talk about how God labels us, and in this message, Senior Pastor Bob Merritt explains the first label God places on our life: you are chosen.
As we go through our day-to-day life, it can be easy to overlook the blessings that God has lavished upon us. In this message, Senior Pastor Bob Merritt explains that God hasn’t withheld any blessing from us, but rather has given us every spiritual blessing in Christ.
The greatest power in the world is when God changes someone's life. In this message, Senior Pastor Bob Merritt teaches how we can tap into God's power to become all that God created us to be.
When we are in Christ, God labels us as truly alive. In this message, Teaching Pastor Jason Strand explains the difference between being spiritually alive and spiritually dead through our faith in Jesus Christ.
Some people spend their entire lives wishing for more money, more power, more this or more that, but when they finally get it, the craving remains. In “I Am Filled,” Senior Pastor Bob Merritt explains Paul's prayer in Ephesians to be filled with the Spirit and Christ's love so that we may experience lasting joy, peace, and love.
God has placed a specific calling on each of our lives, and in this message, Senior Pastor Bob Merritt teaches us how we can discover our spiritual gifts and use them to serve God and others.
In this message, Teaching Pastor Jason Anderson teaches how we are made new in our relationship with Christ.
In this world, we will have trouble, but we gain security in God’s protection. In this message, learn how to fight off spiritual battles as Pastor Bob concludes our series through Ephesians.
Don't steal. (Check!) Don't murder. (Check!) Don't commit adultery. (Check!) You may not horse around with the big sins, but what about the seemingly acceptable ones? They still damage our Spirit, and if we’re honest, they probably cause the most problems in our relationships. In this message, Teaching Pastor Jason Anderson talks about how irritability can affect our Spirit, our relationships, and our lives.
Are you satisfied with God's unique plan for your life? Or, do you find yourself wanting what God has uniquely designed for others? In this message, Teaching Pastor Jason Strand talks about how to fight off jealousy and embrace the YOU God made you to be.
Selfishness can be a relationship killer, because when it’s all about me it can never be about somebody else. Senior Pastor Bob Merritt continues our Acceptable Sins series and teaches how we can overcome selfishness to truly love the people around us.
When we’re judgmental of others, we lose our ability to love them. In this message, Senior Pastor Bob Merritt wraps up the Acceptable Sins series with a message about why it’s dangerous to be judgmental.
In this message, Senior Pastor Bob Merritt teaches how we can beat the odds and overcome family tension.
In this message, Teaching Pastor Jason Strand teaches how we can experience the peace of God and find rest in the midst of stress.
We were created to be in relationships–with God and others. In this message, Teaching Pastor Jason Anderson talks about the importance of our relationships and how we can beat the odds of loneliness.
Our culture demands more of us than we can realistically give, and if we aren't careful, we can quickly find ourselves overwhelmed and exhausted. In this message, Senior Pastor Bob Merritt teaches how to find rest in the midst of our daily grind.
We live in a culture that normalizes the practice of over-extending ourselves. However, we have control over how we spend our time. In this message, Senior Pastor Bob Merritt looks at what the Bible says about controlling our calendar and teaches how we can say no to doing some very good things so that we can do the most important things.
Part of simplifying life is learning to live within the margins of what we have and to find joy and contentment knowing that what we have is enough. In this message, Senior Pastor Bob Merritt teaches how to create financial margin in our lives and trust and honor God with our money.
In this message, Teaching Pastor Jason Strand teaches us how generosity leads to a simpler and more joy-filled life.
In this message, Teaching Pastor Jason Anderson teaches on how being engaged and enthusiastic in our faith leads to a simplified and joy-filled life.
1 John 2:6 tells us that whoever claims to live in Jesus must do the things he did. Jesus came to seek and save the lost, and he expects us to do more than just believe. He calls us to follow Him and to do the things that He did, which include serving and giving to those in need. In this message, Senior Pastor Bob Merritt introduces The Micah Project series and teaches how we can do justice.
In Micah 6:8, God tells us to love mercy. In this message, Senior Pastor Bob Merritt talks about the common fears that stop us from showing mercy, and he challenges us to find small ways to show compassion to those around us.
In this message, Teaching Pastor Jason Strand wraps up The Micah Project series and teaches how we can walk humbly with God and put our faith into action every day.
Fairytale weddings are what many people dream of, but too often real life isn’t happily ever after. In this message, Teaching Pastor Jason Anderson talks about how a strong marriage starts with a strong foundation.
Conflict is normal and inevitable. We can’t control how others handle conflict, but each of us controls how we engage in conflict—constructively or destructively, thoughtfully or selfishly, gracefully or angrily. In this message, Senior Pastor Bob Merritt teaches us how to “Fight Fair” in our relationships.
In this message, Teaching Pastor Jason Strand teaches how to make marriage a priority.
In this message, Senior Pastor Bob Merritt teaches on how you can build friendship and fun in your marriage.
In this message, Teaching Pastor Jason Strand encourages married couples to never give up and shares four ways to stay happily married for life.
Jesus invites you to follow him, just as you are. In this message, Senior Pastor Bob Merritt kicks off Follow with a message about Jesus' invitation.
In this message, Teaching Pastor Jason Strand teaches that taking one simple step toward following Jesus can have a profound impact on our faith.
In this message, Pastor Bob continues the Follow series and shares the benefits that come only from following Jesus.
While becoming a follower of Jesus is the best decision you could ever make, it has a cost. In this message, Teaching Pastor Jason Strand explains what following Jesus may cost you.
In this message, Director of Student Ministries John Alexander teaches about staying committed to Jesus during seasons of doubt, pain or difficulty.
In this message, Senior Pastor Bob Merritt teaches about the difference between joy and happiness and shares two ways to find lasting joy.
What is your purpose? Why did God create you, send his Son to save you, and then give you his Holy Spirit to empower you? In this message, Senior Pastor Bob Merritt shares how our God-given purpose on earth is directly linked to the lasting joy we have in Him.
In this message, Teaching Pastor Jason Strand shares how we can find joy in Christ during seasons of struggle.
In this message, Teaching Pastor Jason Strand teaches that great joy in life comes when we focus on others more than we focus on ourselves.
You can't change your past, but God can change your future. In this message, Teaching Pastor Jason Strands shares three truths that can help us overcome our pasts.
Joy isn't found in having more; it's found in being content with what you have. In this message, Teaching Pastor Jason Strand explains the joy that is found in being content.
Worry is a natural part of life, but it doesn’t have to defeat us. In this message, Director of Student Ministries John Alexander teaches how to defeat worry by relying on Christ.
In this message, Senior Pastor Bob Merritt teaches how to defeat insecurity, cut out the static, and tune in to God's voice.
In this message, Senior Pastor Bob Merritt teaches how to hear God's voice in the midst of our fears.
We all face discouragement in this life, but God wants to set us free from it. In this message, Teaching Pastor Jason Strand teaches how to fight against discouragement.
In this message, Senior Pastor Bob Merritt shares two truths to push back feelings of condemnation and shame.
In this message, Senior Pastor Bob Merritt shares four benefits of work.
In this message, Pastor John Alexander teaches four ways to navigate the stress of work.
In this message, Senior Pastor Bob Merritt teaches us how to use wisdom in guarding our hearts.
Wise paths lead to health and life, while foolish paths lead to loss and regret. In this message, Senior Pastor Bob Merritt teaches how to gain wise feet and walk down wise paths.
Our words are directly connected to whatever is in our heart. In this message, Teaching Pastor Jason Strand teaches on the benefits of having a wise mouth.
In this message, Senior Pastor Bob Merritt teaches six values that are necessary to have a great family.
In this message, Pastor Bob teaches four characteristics found in the lives of happy people.
In this message, Teaching Pastor Jason Strand teaches us three attitude shifts that must take place if we want to accomplish something great.
In this message, Teaching Pastor Jason Strand teaches about the difference between knowing things about Jesus and knowing Jesus.
In this message, Pastor Bob tells the story of Rahab and teaches that God wants us to live freely in his forgiveness.
Every person God chose to use in a great way in the Bible was an underdog. In this message, Teaching Pastor Jason Strand teaches the story of Gideon.
In this message, Pastor John Alexander uses the story of Jacob to teach three actions all underdogs must do in order for God to accomplish extraordinary things.
The heart behind everything we do is to reach people for Christ so that lives are transformed. That’s what it’s all about. In this message, Senior Pastor Bob Merritt shares stories of transformation and celebrates what God has done in the Twin Cities.
The heart behind everything we do is to reach people for Christ so that lives are transformed. That’s what it’s all about.
In this message, Senior Pastor Bob Merritt teaches three ways to overcome busyness.
In this message, Teaching Pastor Jason Strand teaches how we can have peace even in this crazy world.
We all have times where we wonder if we’re losing it, but no matter how crazy we may feel, it’s possible to have peace in our lives. In this message, Teaching Pastor Jason Strand teaches how peace comes from having a relationship with Christ.
In this message, Senior Pastor Bob Merritt teaches about the courage it takes to grow stronger in your faith, marriage, career, and life.
In this message, Senior Pastor Bob Merritt teaches how, to build strong character, we must choose to stand strong in our faith and morals in the midst of life's challenges.
In this message, Senior Pastor Bob Merritt teaches us how we can strengthen our relationship with God in order to experience the fullness of life.
In this message, Teaching Pastor Jason Strand talks about temptation and how we, with Jesus' help, can stand strong against it and develop stronger self-control.
In this message, Teaching Pastor Jason Strand talks about the incredible power, boldness and hope we receive when we allow the Holy Spirit to guide our lives.
In this message, Senior Pastor Bob Merritt encourages each one of us to be open to the work God is doing in our lives.
In this message, Senior Pastor Bob Merritt talks about the power and truth found in Jesus, which can give us boldness to do extraordinary things, both in our lives and for the Kingdom of God.
In this message, Teaching Pastor Jason Strand speaks about how truth is the cornerstone to a life lived fully in Christ.
In this message, Teaching Pastor Jason Strand talks about divine encounters that we experience in our lives--through Scripture, through other people and even through baptism.
In this message, Senior Pastor Bob Merritt talks about genuine conversion and what it means to surrender yourself to Jesus as your Savior.
In this message, Lino Lakes Campus Pastor John Alexander teaches that even though we will face hardship in our lives, we can endure the knock-downs through faith in God, who has overcome the world.
In this message, Senior Pastor Bob Merritt talks about how Jesus died and rose again, not to receive our religion but because he wants a relationship with each one of us.
In this message, Teaching Pastor Jason Strand challenges us to carry out the mission and mindset of the early church, being generous with our resources and bold in sharing our faith.
In this message, Teaching Pastor Jason Strand talks about how every child needs both love and limits, and how we can love the kids in our lives best when we strike a healthy, biblical balance between the two.
In this message, Teaching Pastor Jason Strand talks about how we can reach our children's hearts through our attention, grace and unconditional love.
In this message, Senior Pastor Bob Merritt teaches on the necessity of being present for your children, through consistency, intentionally instructing and guiding them and by staying engaged.
In this message, Senior Pastor Bob Merritt discusses the big battles in every kid's life—responsibility, purity and character, faith—and how parents and mentors must commit to stand alongside them, encouraging them to fight the fight.
In this message, Pastor John Alexander talks about how Eagle Brook is passionate about transformation, both in the lives of individuals and in the church as a whole.
In this message, Senior Pastor Bob Merritt talks about how to move from just attending church and receiving its messages to becoming an owner by serving, giving and being a part of the mission of reaching others for Christ.
In this message, Teaching Pastor Jason Strand talks about how relevance is more than bright lights and trendy music—it's about presenting God's always-relevant message with both grace and truth.
In this message, Teaching Pastor Jason Strand shares two ways to grow closer to God.
In this message, Senior Pastor Bob Merritt teaches how going to work and glorifying God go hand-in-hand.
In this message, Senior Pastor Bob Merritt teaches on the book of Ecclesiastes and explains how growing old can be a really great thing.
Are you content with the season of life you're in? In this message, Teaching Pastor Jason Strand talks about how we can make the most out of every season of life.
In this message, guest speaker Jeff Manion teaches how we can experience full joy and peace, no matter what life throws at us.
In this message, Pastor John Alexander teaches us how to seek godly wisdom in our decision making.
In this weekend’s message, Teaching Pastor Jason Strand teaches what the Bible says about Jesus’ return—that, as believers, there is nothing to fear because we will see Jesus face to face.
Is the Bible really relevant today or is it just an outdated book filled with contradictions? In this message, Teaching Pastor Jason Strand shares why God’s word was and still is the only absolute truth we shou
In this message, Pastor John Alexander teaches us it’s not about how good we are, but about how good Jesus is.
In this message, Senior Pastor Bob Merritt teaches about what we can look forward to in the afterlife.
In this message, Senior Pastor Bob Merritt teaches about the first three commandments and how we can put God first in our lives.
In this message, Pastor Jason Strand teaches about living a life of honor and respect.
In this message, Pastor Jason Strand teaches about being thankful and content with what God has given you.
In this message, Senior Pastor Bob Merritt teaches us about being faithful in marriage and how to love others, no matter how they have sinned, the way Jesus did.
In this message, Pastor Jason Strand teaches about the third commandment, "You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain."
In this message, Senior Pastor Bob Merritt teaches about rearranging our priorities to live a life of love.
In this message, Senior Pastor Bob Merritt teaches us what we can too when we feel rundown, weary or weak in spirit.
In this message, Pastor Jason Strand teaches about trusting God with our future.
In this message, Senior Pastor Bob Merritt teaches us steps we can take to revive our soul.
In this message, Senior Pastor Bob Merritt teaches about the power of prayer and what steps we can take to improve our prayer life.
God is bigger than your biggest problem. In this message, Pastor Jason Strand wonders what might have happened if we had prayed and challenges us to make prayer our first resort.
In this message, Senior Pastor Bob Merritt teaches us to be persistent in prayer, confess our sins, and trust that God will answer.
In this message, Senior Pastor Bob Merritt teaches about tithing—what tithing is and what tithing is not. And that God wants us to trust him above all else.
In this message, Senior Pastor Bob Merritt teaches about putting God first in our lives, above all else—including money.
In this message, Pastor Jason Strand challenges us to use what God has given us to get out of our comfort zone and do good, to help the poor.
In this message, Pastor Jason Strand teaches us that no matter who you are or what you have done, you can be accepted by God.
Where does God come into our high-stakes decisions? Is God even interested in our daily decisions? In this message, Senior Pastor Bob Merritt teaches us that God is interested, that He has a plan for us and wants the best for us. And how we can make decisions that align with His plan.
In times of trouble who or what do you run to? In this message, Pastor Jason Strand teaches that God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble—He is the only refuge that lasts.
Some Christians will say, “You just need to forgive and forget.” “Move on. Get over it. Shake it off.” But how do you shake off something like abandonment, abuse, betrayal or lies? In this message, Teaching Pastor Jason Strand teaches us what the Bible really has to say about forgiving and forgetting.
You've heard it before, "Christians should never judge." But without judgement, how could we ever enforce laws, give advice, or hold employees accountable? In this message, Senior Pastor Bob Merritt teaches us that Christians must judge—first ourselves, and then other believers—to help our lives and relationships flourish.
Have you ever had a time in your life when you felt overwhelmed? Certainly we all have. Maybe someone's even told you, "God won't give you more than you can handle." In this message, Teaching Pastor Jason Strand explains why it's good for us to feel like we can't handle every overwhelming situation in our lives because God uses those circumstances to bring us closer to Him.
There are people who think it doesn't matter what you believe as long as you're sincere. They're convinced all roads lead to God. But is that true? Is it all the same? In this message, Senior Pastor Bob Merritt teaches us that it matters what we believe, because Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me."
Some people will say it doesn't matter what you do as long as you feel a certain way. But is that true? Does it matter what we do? In this message, Pastor Jason Strand teaches us that faith without action—without doing something—is dead. We should be asking the question, "What should we do?"
None of us want to waste our lives. We don't want to get to our last day and realize we had the potential to impact a lot of people, but we missed our chance. So, how do we do that? In this message, Pastor Jason Strand teaches us that we are the salt and light of the world. It's not the president, government, or Hollywood—it's you. Let's not wait until our last day to realize our full potential.
Angry people are three times more likely to have a stroke, 19 percent more likely to get heart disease, and an angry outburst doubles your chance for a heart attack. But without the right habits, managing our anger can be far from easy. In this message, Pastor Jason Strand teaches us that not only does managing our anger give us a healthy boost, the Bible says it leads us to a wiser and more fulfilling life.
How many people plan on committing adultery? They walk down the aisle thinking, "I'm going to cheat on that person someday." Nobody plans on being unfaithful. In this message, Pastor Bob Merritt teaches us how we can prevent the pain and loss caused by lust and adultery.
Actions matter, but what’s going on in your heart? Maybe you haven’t committed the act of murder, but if your heart's full of anger it’s the same to God; and maybe you haven’t committed the act of adultery, but if your heart's full of lust it’s the same to God. In this message, Pastor Bob Merritt teaches us that sin isn't just what we do, it’s what’s in our hearts as well.
Who are you when no one's watching? Are you living a life in secret that will lead you to reward or will it lead you to regret? In this message, Pastor John Alexander teaches us that who we are when no one's watching matters—God rewards those secret moments.
If we convince ourselves that happiness and security depends on what we have and earn, how much is enough? What amount of possessions or level of income would make us feel happy and secure? In this message, Pastor Bob Merritt teaches us how to defeat discontentment and worry.
There's a narrow road and a wide road. One is easy, and there are a lot of people on it, but the other lead's to God's Kingdom. In this message, Pastor Jason Strand teaches us the narrow road leads to life—it leads to Jesus. And the wide road leads to destruction.
Oftentimes people pit grace against truth—saying it's one or the other. In this message, Pastor Jason Strand teaches us that Jesus was full of grace AND truth. He wasn’t all grace and no truth, and he wasn't all truth and no grace. He was both. And He calls us to be the same.
How should we treat people we disagree with? In this message, Pastor Jason Strand teaches us how we should be intolerant of the things God doesn't tolerate while doing so with gentleness and respect.
What would it be like to truly believe you are God's masterpiece? In this message, Pastor Bob teaches us how to see ourselves the way God see's us—a masterpiece, perfectly and wonderfully made.
If there's one thing we love it's freedom—freedom to do whatever we want and whenever we want. But what happens when someone else's freedom clashes with ours? In this message, Pastor Bob Merritt teaches us how freedom without constraints leads to a lack of freedom in the future. When someone's freedom clashes with ours, we should affirm biblical truth, while at the same time be loving and respectful toward those who oppose it.
Some days it's a lot easier to check-off a few more things on the to-do list Saturday evening or hit the snooze button Sunday morning instead of going to church. Is being at church really all that important? In this message, Pastor Jason Strand shares with us why we should make it a habit to be at church each week.
In the book of Samuel, David started out as the youngest of eight brothers, lowest in the rank, and became one of the most remarkable men to ever live. But that didn't happen overnight—David spent much of his life in obscurity. In this message, Pastor Bob Merritt teaches us that what God is developing in us while we’re waiting in obscurity is as important as what God wants to do through us.
Who or what's your giant—threatens yous, blocks you, and stands in your way from moving forward? At some point we have to face our giant in order to defeat it. In this message, Pastor Bob Merritt teaches us that with God's help we can defeat even the biggest of giants.
God created us for friendship—first with himself and then with others. In this message, Pastor Jason Strand teaches us about four essential components to all great friendships.
Have you ever been through a time that can only be described as wilderness? It feels like the world is crashing down around you. You're not sleeping well and have a lot on your mind. Whatever it may be, you're not alone. In this message, Pastor Jason Strand teaches us that God doesn't have us in the wilderness to make us bitter, but to make us better.
Have you ever been around someone who is mean or dishonest? If you have, these are usually two indicators that you've interacted with a fool. In this message, Pastor Bob Merritt teaches us that the world is full of fools, and if you’re not careful you can really damage yourself by being around them. Sometimes we can’t avoid being around fools, but we can trust God to guide our interactions with them.
Is there someone in your life who is treating you unfairly? An acquaintance who is lying about you or a boss that has it in for you? If you do, there's probably a good chance that you've thought about getting even with them. In this message, Pastor Bob Merritt teaches us that even in our best attempts to do right, there will always be people out there to harm us in some way. When you’re dealing with a person who has a pattern of anger, jealousy, or evil intent, it takes more than an apology for trust to be restored. It takes a lot of strength, but if you want to know why God prospered David, blessed him, and made him King, it's because David chose to see the good in Saul. Let's work on learning how to trust God to grant us the strength to see the good in people.
We are thrilled to welcome Guest Speaker Greg Speck, who speaks at national conferences, camps, retreats, and churches around the world. Greg delivers an impactful message about how we can create relationships that flourish.
What makes a person great? Is it how many followers you have or how famous you are? In this message, Pastor Jason Strand talks about how greatness is defined in God's eyes. A true life of significance looks a lot more like Jesus', and a lot less like our favorite celebrities.
We all want healthier bodies, minds, and souls, don’t we? But how do we get there? It’s all about trusting God and starting with small, achievable goals. In this message, Pastor John Alexander talks about how to put in the hard work to improve our well-being—physically, mentally, and spiritually.
When we’re buried in debt, finding financial freedom can seem like an insurmountable task. But it is possible. In this message, Pastor Jason Strand will talk about what it takes to eliminate debt and how we can use our finances to honor God.
When it comes to goals, it doesn’t matter how we start—it’s how we finish that counts. And that’s how it is in our relationship with God, too. In this weekend’s message, Pastor Jason Strand teaches us what it means to persevere in our faith and finish the race well.
Though we don’t always know why we’re suffering, we can be confident of this: God promises to comfort us in our suffering, no matter what. In this weekend’s message, Pastor Jason Strand shows us how pain can serve a greater purpose—to help us rely on God more fully and to allow our comfort from Him to overflow to others.
We can lose a lot of things in life and be alright—keys, contests, gift cards. But what happens if we've lost heart and are lacking hope? How do we persevere when we are feeling pressed on every side by troubles? In this weekend's message, Pastor Jason Strand talks about how we've all had the feeling of being knocked down, but we must get back up and maintain heart, because God shows his all-surpassing power through our weakness.
"If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old life is gone, the new life has come.” 2 Corinthians 5:17 What a great verse—except if the old life’s gone, why do we constantly keep battling it? If we're living a new life with Christ, then why do we still struggle with anger, sadness, and sin? In this message, Pastor Bob Merritt teaches us that although our old life of sin will never leave us, our faith in Christ prevents us from being enslaved by it.
Many of us would say that money is our greatest source of trouble. We worry about it, argue over it, and never seem to have quite enough of it. But when it comes to finances, are we abounding or just surviving? In this message, Pastor Bob Merritt speaks about how God is able to make all grace abound to us, so that in all things, not just our finances, we will abound in every good work.
It’s easy to let our thoughts run away with us—and when those thoughts are fearful, anxious, or discontent, it can be difficult to reign them in. But we don’t have to surrender ourselves to every negative thought we have. In this message, Pastor Jason Strand explores what it means to take our thoughts captive and make them obedient to Christ.
What's your greatest weakness? Think about it; what's a weakness that you wish you didn't have and maybe resent? You're too shy, don't like your hair, think you're not pretty enough, strong enough, brave enough, or smart enough? Whatever it is, God has a special purpose for it. In this message, Pastor Bob teaches us how God's power can show up best even in our weaknesses.
No one likes tests, do they? As much as we don’t like them, we can all agree we like when other people are tested. Pilots, doctors, dentists, and teachers all need to be tested before they can practice. Why? Because what’s been tested can be trusted. But what about your faith—has it been tested? Can it be trusted when you need it the most? In this message, Pastor John Alexander teaches us what it takes to have a shatterproof faith.
Life is the sum of all our decisions. So how do we make sure the choices we make are good ones? Well, when God’s Word and wisdom seep down into our hearts, they become part of who we are—so, when faced with a tough decision, we’ll better know what to do. In this message, Pastor Bob Merritt discusses what values we can set up in our lives to make God-honoring decisions.
Why does God close doors? Even when we believe that He has a plan for our lives, it can be hard to accept when He tells us no. But sometimes there's a very good reason why. In this message, Pastor Bob Merritt explores how to trust what God is doing in our lives.
Are there doors in your life that you sense are a trap? From a distance, they look sort of fun and exciting, but when you get closer you realize they're a trap. In this message, Pastor Jason teaches us three specific ways to stay away from forbidden doors.
Who are the great people in your life—the people who have offered wisdom and helped you become who you are today? When we have great people in our lives, they help us to make great decisions. And we can be the person of wisdom and sound judgement in someone else’s life, too. In this message, Pastor Bob Merritt teaches us about the importance of surrounding ourselves with great people and how Jesus desires to be the central part of your inner circle.
What would happen if we started praying more boldly, asking God to search our hearts and minds? It’s dangerous, because God might show us some things that are really difficult and painful to look at; it takes courage to pray that prayer. In this message, Pastor Bob Merritt focuses on David’s dangerous prayer in Psalm 139, and challenges us to ask God to reveal our sins to us and lead us to a better way.
Change is hard. We often need it, but we also don’t really want it. We’re comfortable in our own mess; we like things the way they are. But God wants to change us—he wants to give us a new life. In this message, Pastor Jason Strand challenges us to ask God to change us, and put in the hard work to make that change happen.
When we offer up a dangerous prayer like, “Send me,” we’re taking a risk—because God may send us out of our comfort zones, to a situation we never would have gone on our own. But it’s worth the risk. In this message, Pastor John Alexander explores what it means make ourselves available to God and his plan.
"""In the same way, there is more joy in heaven over one lost sinner who repents and returns to God than over ninety-nine others who are righteous and haven’t strayed away!"" [Luke 15:7] No matter who you are or what you’ve done, God will do anything to find you and save you. And when one person is found and returns to God, all of heaven erupts with joy. In this message, Pastor Bob explains how this passage from Luke applies to Eagle Brook Church, and why our mission is to reach people for Christ. We, too, are focused on the one, not just the ninety-nine—and it has been our focus and mission from the beginning."
Tithing can be difficult to wrap our minds around. What does God need with our money anyway? But what it comes down to is that it’s much more of a heart issue than a money issue. Do we really trust God to provide? Are we truly putting Him first in our lives? In this message, Pastor Jason Strand looks at the heart behind tithing and how it can help us experience God in a new way.
Jesus came to earth with a singular mission: to seek and save the lost. And He gave us that same mission. We each have specific circles of friends, neighbors, and co-workers, along with unique abilities to connect with others. In this message, Pastor Jason Strand reminds us that God has strategically placed us around lost people so that we can speak his love and saving grace to those around us—one person at a time.
Technology now allows us to reach not only the people who come to church every weekend, but reach people across the country and around the world. In this message, Pastor Bob Merritt introduces Online Church and how it will allow us to reach even more people for Christ.
Have you ever lost sleep over a heated disagreement or harsh words? Most of us have. Because criticism and conflict are never comfortable—and often we don’t know how to deal with them. But in this message, Pastor Jason Strand teaches about what it truly means to handle conflict in a godly manner and what it looks like to live at peace with others.
What would life be like if we were no longer afraid—afraid of the future, of being alone, of not having enough money? So often, we let our fears overtake us, forgetting that God is bigger than any fear and offers peace beyond measure. In this message, Pastor Bob Merritt talks about how we will certainly face difficulties in this life, but that God will go with us and he is worthy of our trust—so we no longer need to fear what we can’t control.
Most of us have lost sleep over our kids—sometimes literally, when you have a baby that wakes up every two hours or a toddler who jumps in your bed at 3 am, and sometimes simply from worrying over when your teenager will come home or about the decisions your adult child is making. There’s so much to worry about as a parent. But Jesus tells us not to worry—not because he’s minimizing the weight of parenting and how out-of-control it can make you feel, but because he knows that worrying cannot add a single moment to your life. In this message, Pastor Jason Strand shows us how we can actually let go of that worry and entrust our children to God.
Between work, kids, after-school activities, social events, and making dinner, most of us feel like we have way too much to do. Add the chaos of the holidays and it's over. But in this message, Pastor Jason Strand looks at what it means to slow down our pace and turn to God for guidance. Because, when we take time to sit at the feet of Jesus, he will restore our souls and give us peace beyond measure.
God created us for relationships, with him and with others. Choosing the right person to date and marry is one of the most important decisions you (or your kids) will make—because relationships can either be the greatest source of joy in life or the greatest source of pain. In this message, Pastor Bob Merritt explores the challenges of dating and finding the right person, and crucial tips to keep in mind in the process.
Men and woman are different. But here’s the good news: God made our differences for a reason. In fact, it’s those differences that God will use to complement and help you through life and marriage. But great marriages don't just happen—they require time and intentionality. In this message, Pastor Jason Strand will show us that, ultimately, a healthy marriage requires a foundation of two people who are willing to put God first and look to him to meet their needs and change their hearts.
Sexual intimacy in marriage is directly correlated with relational intimacy. And that relational intimacy stems from the little exchanges that occur every day—a smile, a nod, a touch, a kiss, or simply turning toward each other when you speak. In this message, Pastor Bob Merritt unpacks the small relational changes that can have a huge impact on the intimacy and overall health of your marriage.
There is no quick fix to redeem a relationship. But God can do some of his best work in a struggling marriage. In this message, Pastor Jason Strand discusses what it takes to prioritize your marriage, fix what’s broken, and find healing if you've experienced the pain of separation or divorce.
When we put our faith in Christ, we are made new and are freed from the power of sin. But if the old life is gone, why do we still struggle with sin? What does it look like to live like a new person? In the message, Pastor John Alexander wrestles with these questions and unpacks what it takes to live as a new you—dead to sin, and alive in Christ.
From the moment we accept Christ, our old life is gone and our new life begins. When we’re baptized, we symbolically and publicly identify with Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection—and celebrate that we have been raised to life with Jesus! In this message, Pastor Jason Strand teaches about what baptism is and why it’s such a significant step in our walk with Christ.
When we make the decision to follow Christ, that’s just the beginning of learning how to live a new life. We’ve been set free from sin, but we still face the tension between the old life and new life. In this message, Pastor Bob Merritt discusses how, through obedience to Christ, we can weaken the grip sin holds on our lives—but we must daily decide if we’re going to pursue that life of obedience or a life of sin.
We all have areas in our lives that we struggle with again and again—anger, fear of the future, losing control of our words, addiction. We recognize the problem and how it’s hurting us, yet we can't seem to fix it. In this message, Pastor Bob Merritt explores what it takes to defeat the sins that control us.
If you’re in Christ, you’re no longer defined by what you’ve done wrong—you’re defined by what Jesus Christ did right. Because, on the cross, Jesus died to pay the penalty for sin so you don’t have to live in shame and condemnation anymore. In this message, Pastor Jason Strand unpacks how forgiveness is immediate and complete for those who choose to follow Christ and confess their sins.
What is your mind set on? What dominates your thoughts? Because, according to Romans 8, whatever dominates your thoughts will determine where you go, what you do, and how you live. In this message, Pastor Bob Merritt digs into the battle of control of our minds and thoughts—a battle between sinful desires and the Holy Spirit. The outcome leads to life and peace or sin and death. And the good news is, we get to choose who wins.
We all have plans for our lives—for where we’d like to live, what we’d like to do for work, when we’d like to get married, and how many kids we want to have. But, oftentimes, our plans don’t line up with God’s purposes. When difficult, painful situations occur, we can’t understand how God could bring good from it. In this message, Pastor Jason Strand emphasizes that we don’t have to understand why something is happening to be able to trust God with the outcome.
A lot of people go through life feeling badly about themselves and don’t even know why. Other people do know why, and they carry intense regret over choices they’ve made throughout their life. So, what will it take to be released from feelings of guilt and regret? In this message, Pastor Bob Merritt explains how, once you’ve put your trust in Jesus to forgive and save you, then God is in your corner—and no matter what life throws your way, you can rest assured that you have the ultimate victory.
When our lives are filled with setbacks, and the mountains just keep getting bigger, we may be tempted to throw our hands up and walk away. Why can’t life work out as planned? Doesn’t God hear our prayers? But Jesus says, with just a small amount of faith, no mountain can stand in our way. Watch this weekend's message as Pastor John Alexander unpacks what it looks like to have even the smallest bit of faith—and what a huge difference it can make in our lives.
If Jesus looked at your faith, would he be amazed at how big, bold, and audacious it is? Or, would he be amazed by your lack of faith? Each of us has the opportunity to be filled with big faith—to become people who truly believe that God can do anything. People who don’t fear the future, who don’t miss out on miracles. In this message, Pastor Jason Strand shows us how we can grow into that big, bold faith—and how it transforms our lives.
Most of the time, when people doubt their faith or wonder if they truly know God, it’s because they feel a certain way. But feelings come and go—sometimes you feel close to God, sometimes you don’t. In this message, Pastor Jason Strand teaches us that the sort of faith that saves isn’t based on how we feel. It’s based on belief—specifically, belief in Jesus. And when we truly experience Him, and the peace, joy, and purpose He brings, we can know for sure.
Some people say that sin isn’t fun. That’s not true. Sin is fun. That’s why people do it. But there’s a difference between fun and fulfilling. Sin feels good at first—but it isn’t fulfilling. Resisting sin and living out God’s purpose for your life is fulfilling. In this message, Pastor Jason Strand challenges us with the fact that life isn’t just about having fun. Because, in Christ, we can find purpose. Relationship. Joy. And in the long run, that's so much more fulfilling than a life full of fleeting pleasure.
There are a lot of people out there who believe in God, but don’t want anything to do with the church. Maybe it’s caused them hurt and pain, they think it’s boring, or they believe they can worship just as well up in a deer stand, out on the golf course, or at the lake cabin with a hot cup of coffee. In this message, Pastor Bob Merritt shows us that church isn’t just a ritual God wants us to participate in—it’s a place he created for us to find community, accountability, and restoration. And it’s a place where we can offer healing and hope to the world around us.
In today’s culture, truth is viewed as relative—what’s true for you isn’t necessarily true for me; there is no absolute truth. And if there is no God, it really is all relative. There is no absolute authority, no standard for right or wrong. In this message, Pastor Bob Merritt argues that, if you believe God is who he says he is—the Creator of all that exists, the Author of life, the One who created every living thing—then he is the source of all truth.
How can we know that the Bible is trustworthy? Is it even still relevant to our lives today? Why is it so important to our faith? In this message, Pastor Jason Strand explores how, through archaeological support, accurate translations, and eyewitness accounts, we find a book that’s not only historically reliable but has the power to change our lives.
God loves to use ordinary people to do extraordinary things. And that’s exactly what He did with Nehemiah, the man who He called to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. In this message, Pastor Bob Merritt outlines how Nehemiah discovered his calling—and the steps we can take to identify where God is calling each of us.
There are times in life when things you care about so deeply seem beyond repair. But when God breaks your heart over something and you begin to take action, he’ll put his hand on you and you’ll be able to accomplish things that are beyond your ability. In this message, Pastor Bob Merritt explores the four steps that Nehemiah took to follow God’s leading and fix what was broken.
When God calls you to a task or purpose, and you start to take action, you’re bound to face opposition. People will criticize you. You’ll face obstacles. You may be tempted to quit. But in this message, Pastor Jason Strand shows us how Nehemiah kept rebuilding the wall in Jerusalem, despite opposition—and how God is calling us to faithfully do the same.
So many of us lack joy. We go through our days, entrenched in our routines, and feel so worn out that we wonder how we can keep going. But it doesn’t have to be that way. In this message, Pastor Jason Strand outlines three ways that we can increase our joy and find our strength in the Lord.
There are some aspects of Christianity that are difficult to grasp, even when explained—like the Holy Spirit. In this message, Pastor John Alexander helps us better understand who the Holy Spirit is and how He works in the lives of believers to guide, protect, and empower us.
Worship can be difficult to understand. Why do we sing together every weekend? And why do some people close their eyes, raise their hands, or start crying? In this message, Pastor Jason Strand explains that worship is simply a way for us to surrender to God and remind ourselves of how great He really is. Because, when we give our whole hearts to worship, God will change our hearts and break every chain that binds us.
Jesus’ return is one of the more confusing topics in the Bible. When will it happen? What events or signs will surround it? And what will happen to us? In this message, Pastor Jason Strand demystifies some of the questions surrounding Jesus’ return and shows us how it has a personal impact on each of our lives.
What happens after we die? It can be scary or confusing to think about. But it’s something we’ll all face, eventually. In this message, Pastor Jason Strand addresses some of the big questions surrounding what happens after we die and reminds us that we don’t need to fear death—because Jesus broke its power. Now, instead of fear, we can experience confidence and hope. Instead of judgment, transformation. Instead of death, new life.
How does God work in our lives? How do we know that He’s listening? What does it mean to have God speak to you? We may not always understand how God works, but that doesn't mean He isn't working in our lives. In this message, Pastor Bob Merritt explores what it means to be open to God, let His Spirit guide you, and leave your old life behind to follow Jesus.
Jesus cares about lost people more than anything else. He can’t stand the thought of any of us going through a single day feeling alone, which is why he invites each of us into a relationship with Him. In this message, Pastor Bob Merritt illustrates what lengths God will go to reach those who are far from Him—and he challenges us to carry that same urgency into our relationships every day.
So many of us feel like we’ve wandered too far or messed up too badly for God to ever forgive us. But in this message, Pastor Jason Strand unpacks how God not only forgives us without questions when we repent, but He runs to us, arms open and full of love. Because God wants every lost son and daughter would return to Him—and when they do, all of heaven celebrates.
Throughout biblical history, feasts have been a symbol of God’s grace and abundance. A relationship with Him is like being invited to a great feast that never ends—and it’s an invitation that’s open to everyone. In this message, Pastor Bob Merritt challenges each of us to prioritize following Jesus, rather than making excuses, and embrace the abundant life that He offers.
The seeds in the parable of the sower represent the truth and promises of God. God fills people’s lives with seeds, and they either grow in a person’s heart or don’t. It’s our job to keep planting seeds; it’s God’s job to change their heart. In this message, Pastor John Alexander challenges us to generously scatter seeds and invite others into a relationship with Jesus.
God wants your life to be more than mediocre; He created you to do great things. But it all starts with a dream. In this message, Pastor Bob Merritt challenges us to dream big—because as you begin to take steps toward your dreams and hopes, you will discover your God-given purpose.
Most people don’t know what their purpose is. And missing out on our God-given purpose is throwing away an opportunity to make a difference in this world. In this message, Pastor Bob Merritt demonstrates how we can discover God’s purpose for our lives by answering three simple questions.
Change doesn’t happen overnight. We can’t achieve our purpose in a matter of days or even weeks. So, what will it take to get there? In this message, Pastor Jason Strand demonstrates that to move toward our purpose, we have to take a lot of small steps. But it’s in the daily, tedious steps that breakthroughs are born.
Relationships are central to who we are—God created us to need and be in community. In this message, Pastor Jason Strand stresses the importance of investing in relationships that are filling you up rather than leaving you empty. Because, when it comes to living out our purposes, who we surround ourselves with is of the utmost importance.
No other book in the Bible tells us how to live our lives and face our problems better than the book of James. We’re all going to face challenges in life, but the question is: How will we respond to them? In this message, Senior Pastor Bob Merritt teaches us how to build a foundation of strength—so that when a crisis comes, we’re prepared to face it.
Hearing and doing are two different things. And when it comes to faith, one can’t live without the other. In this message, Pastor Jason Strand emphasizes that our faith in Jesus Christ should affect every part of our lives—from what we think and believe to how we act, spend our time, and care for others.
Scripture speaks numerous times about the immense power of our words—they can build someone up or tear them down. In this message, Pastor John Alexander explores how the words we use every day—whether in speech, text, email, or social media—lead to either life or death. We’re reminded that, for better or worse, the words we use reveal what’s going on inside our hearts.
For many of us, the biggest fights and sources of tension in our relationships stem from comparison and jealousy. So, what can we do about it? In this message, Pastor Bob Merritt shows us what it means to curb those habits, humbly put God at the center of our lives, and learn to be grateful for what we have instead of always wanting more.
What does it look like to have a powerful and effective prayer life? You sit down and pray, but then what? It’s so easy to give up when we don’t get an immediate answer. Or maybe our prayer is so vague, we don’t even notice when God does answer us. In this message, Pastor Jason Strand explores what three qualities will strengthen our prayer lives and deepen our relationship with God as a result.
Managing our money can be tough. The world tells us to make more, spend more, and get more. But God’s financial plan is different—He calls us to give, save, then live off of what’s left over. In this message, Pastor Jason Strand explores some simple steps to help you take control of your finances, find contentment, and start managing our money in a way that honors God.
Money can be a huge source of stress and tension in our lives. But the stress we feel around our money generally isn’t really a money issue—it’s a trust issue. Which begs the question: Who or what are we trusting with our lives and our money? In this message, Pastor Bob Merritt digs into why God asks us to trust Him with our finances and how He calls us to respond to Him with generosity.
None of us will get through life without some level of regret—from choices we’ve made, from damaged relationships, from sin. The good news is, we don’t have to live as prisoners to those regrets. In this message, Pastor Jason Strand reminds us that, in Christ, we can find freedom, forgiveness, and restoration from all of our regrets.
Most of us have at least one habit that we’d like to break. That’s easier said than done—but it’s not impossible. In this message, Pastor Jason Strand outlines the steps we can take to begin changing the negative patterns in our lives and find freedom from the destructive habits that bind us.
We all face times in life where we feel anxious—whether it’s over a health issue, a relationship, work, money, or kids. And for some of us, it’s a burden we face on a daily basis. In this message, Pastor Bob Merritt explores what it means to rely on God in the midst of anxiety, outlining some practical steps to overcome it.
When we hold onto resentment, it tends to hurt us more than the person we’re holding it against—but we have a tough time letting go of it. In this message, Pastor Jason Strand unpacks how to uproot bitterness and do the hard work of choosing forgiveness over resentment.
There are millions of people on dating apps, yet somehow finding the right person to date and marry doesn’t seem to be getting any easier. Dating can be a long, discouraging process. But, no matter what our relationship status is, we’re not alone. In this message, Pastor Jason Strand unpacks some steps to take before dating and reminds us that we can trust God to love us and guide our steps in the process.
The choices we make, the words we use, and how we spend our time are more powerful than any other force in our child’s life. Because nothing forms a child’s faith, values, or relationships more than their parents. In this message, Pastor Bob Merritt speaks wisdom into the process of parenting, exploring how to be a positive influence and raise honorable, faith-filled children.
As humans, we have a tendency to take things that God created for our own good and twist them. But how can something good become harmful? In this message, Pastor Jason Strand digs into how our culture and sinful natures have distorted sex to be something far different than what God intended and explores what it looks like to redeem the sacredness of this gift.
Nobody plans on divorce, but it happens to about half of all married couples. How? Every day, couples stand at a crossroad where they have a choice to either move toward one another or further away. In this message, Pastor Bob Merritt unpacks the emotional cost of divorce and the steps couples can take to strengthen their marriages.
Every family has its issues. And it’s those issues that often make us want to flip our families like some people flip houses. But in this message, Pastor Jason Strand reminds us that whether our marriage needs a major demo or just a fresh coat of paint, God is in the business of restoring them to their original beauty.
There is a power in the name of Jesus Christ that isn’t found anywhere else in this world. And this power transforms lives—it’s what gives you a second chance, a fresh start. In this message, Pastor Jason Strand challenges us to accept this free gift from God and experience the kind of life transformation that can only be found in Him.
Responding to the poor is a very big deal to God, so it’s a big deal to our church. But thinking about how to respond can sometimes feel overwhelming—what steps do we even take to help those who are suffering, sick, or in poverty? In this message, Senior Pastor Bob Merritt unpacks how simple it can be to serve and meet the needs of others. While it may take courage to step outside of our comfort zones, when we do, we are bringing Heaven to Earth.
The Bible says that we will be enriched in every way so that we can always be generous. That’s a powerful promise, but do you believe it? Sometimes our own fears and insecurities dominate our lives, and generosity feels impossible. But now is the time to fight against these fears and remember that God gives us everything we need so that we can give to others. In this message, Pastor Jason Strand reminds us that when we live in this type of faith, our lives become the pathways to reach the least of these.
Sin is something we all deal with. And it shows up in uncomfortable ways—often through shame, fear, and blame. It’s the cause of every hurt, lie, and injustice in this world. In this message, Senior Pastor Bob Merritt reminds us that regardless of our flaws, God can take whatever is wrong in our lives and make it right; He sees all of our sins and forgives us anyway.
God’s grace is greater than any sin ever committed. And that’s good news, because we all sin on a daily basis. In this message, Senior Pastor Bob Merritt unpacks the beauty of grace—how it frees us from guilt and shame, transforms our lives, and allows us to live a life of freedom that can only be found in Christ.
Faith is something that most of us are familiar with on some level. We have faith that the sun will continue shining or that our car will start in the morning. But faith in Christ is a little different. In this message, Pastor Jason Strand teaches us that genuine faith in God means believing in something we can’t see and trusting Him even when life isn’t going well. And this kind of faith—well, it’ll change your life.
God wants us to grow in all areas of life and faith. But that growth doesn’t always come easily. In this message, Pastor John Alexander challenges us to put in the time and effort to grow, in order to truly become who God created us to be—moving us from unhealthy to healthy, broken to whole.
God made 7,457 promises to us in the Bible—promises to save us, forgive us, strengthen us, guide us, and resurrect us after we die. But how do we get in on these promises? In this message, Pastor Jason Strand shows us how one simple word is the key to receiving these promises. Because all we have to do is say yes to God.
Every day, we are faced with decisions—some small and inconsequential, and others that will change the trajectory of your life. When it comes to these major crossroads, we have to be willing to say no to some things so we can say yes to the most important things. In this message, Senior Pastor Bob Merritt digs into the life-changing power of saying no.
Gratitude is a mindset, a way of seeing the world. It’s what helps us turn toward God rather than dwelling on all of the things we don’t have. In this message, Pastor Jason Strand unpacks what it looks like to practice gratitude—and how that practice develops a dependence on God while improving our overall well-being.
A lot of us don’t like asking for help—but no matter how smart, strong, or good we are, all of us will get to points in life where we need it. In this message, Pastor Bob Merritt challenges us to identify people in our lives who we can rely on for help and encourages us to use the abilities God has given us to help others as well.
Enough is a word rarely used today. Our culture tries to convince us that whatever we have is never enough—that if you don’t have the latest phone, the newest car, or the biggest house, you’re missing out. In this message, Pastor Bob Merritt explores what it takes to say enough in our busy, stressful lives and find true rest and contentment.
We are most susceptible to fall when we’re the most successful. So how can we avoid common pitfalls like pride and arrogance, yet remember to honor God in our success? In this message, Pastor Jason Strand outlines simple steps we can take toward humility and glorifying God.
King Solomon was the wisest man who ever lived—but he eventually fell hard because of his undisciplined pursuit of more. And we can easily fall into that same trap. In this message, Pastor John Alexander encourages us to identify our top priorities, cut back on commitments and possessions, and focus on a disciplined pursuit of less.
When we encounter success, it’s easy to take all the credit for it. But the more prideful we become, the less glory we’re giving to God. In this message, Pastor Bob Merritt looks at the life of Israel’s first king, Saul, how his arrogance lead to his ruin, and how we avoid these same pitfalls.
The apostle Peter turned his back on Jesus. But that didn’t keep Jesus from offering him forgiveness. In this message, Pastor Jason Strand reminds us that, like Peter, we’ve all failed big time. But because of Jesus, our failures aren’t final—because God isn’t done with us yet.
Thanks to technology, we’re easily distracted. We talk to one friend while texting another, or we scroll through social media while eating dinner. But it’s important to take the time to put our phones down and be still before God. In this message, Jason Strand reminds us that it’s in moments of stillness with Him that we can receive the guidance, wisdom, and love that we need.
Smart phones and social media have left many of us feeling more connected—and insecure—than ever. So what can we do about it? In this message, Pastor John Alexander explores steps we can take to fight insecurity and find our value in Christ.
Our phones help us in so many areas of life—but for many of us, they have also become an obstacle to real relationships. In this message, Teaching Pastor Jason Strand challenges us, in the midst of this digital age, to set our phones down, prioritize the people we love the most, and carve out time to refresh our souls.
Ever felt like you were in over your head? At the beginning of 1 Kings, we see King Solomon take the throne—and feel totally inadequate. In this message, Pastor Jason Strand challenges us to follow Solomon’s lead and turn to God for wisdom, strength, and direction.
Who do you typically turn to for wisdom? This weekend, Pastor John Alexander reminds us that the decisions we make determine who we become—which is why it’s so important to surround yourself with wise people and seek godly wisdom when making decisions, big and small.
Have you ever felt defeated or abandoned, with nowhere to turn? The prophet Elijah certainly did—but it was in that valley that God showed up in big ways. In this message, Senior Pastor Bob Merritt challenges us to turn to God in total dependence—for provision, for healing, for hope.
Elijah was one of the most famous prophets in the Bible—yet, even he wavered between great faith and great fear. In this message, Senior Pastor Bob Merritt challenges us to get rest, get help, and get back in the game rather than giving up when facing doubt, depression, or fear.
We all need healing in some area of life—whether it’s physical, emotional, or relational. In this message, Teaching Pastor Jason Strand looks at the story of Naaman in 2 Kings and how he was miraculously healed—and, through it, Jason challenges our own expectations and doubts around the topic of healing.
How would you live today if you knew you were dying? Would you risk more, share more, or love more? In this message, Senior Pastor Bob Merritt challenges us to do just that—and not wait until we’re dying to start living. Because when we take that risk, God will show up in significant ways.
When the storms of life hit, we often wonder if God will show up and give us courage to face our fears. In this message, Pastor John Alexander challenges us to put our trust in God when we’re afraid and boldly ask Him for help—because when we do, He’ll certainly give us the courage to carry on.
Everybody struggles with something. But we aren’t alone in our struggles. In this message, Pastor Bob Merritt reminds us that, in Christ, we were chosen, adopted, valued, and forgiven. We belong to Jesus Christ—and that changes everything.
If you’re a believer, you have the same Spirit in you that rose Christ from the dead. You are strong. So why don’t we always feel strong? In this message, Pastor Jason Strand challenges us, through all of life’s ups and downs, to rely on the power and strength of the Holy Spirit rather than on our own strength.
Sin, no matter how small in our own eyes, separates us from a holy and perfect God. So where does that leave us? Hopeless? In this message, Teaching Pastor Jason Strand encourages us with the truth that, through Christ, we are no longer separated from God. In Him, can are saved from our sin and made alive again.
We all battle something within ourselves—insecurity, anxiety, addiction, fear. And when we let these things fill us, we become vulnerable to temptations that can hurt us. In this message, Senior Pastor Bob Merritt challenges to instead be filled with the Spirit, and the fullness of life and power that comes from Him.
Each of us have different natural gifts, talents, and passions. But if you’ve put your faith in Christ, you also have a spiritual gift. In this message, Teaching Pastor Jason Strand challenges us to discover our spiritual gift—because it’s the key to understanding the unique calling that God has placed on your life.
It’s easy to wonder what God’s will is for our lives. Does He want me to go this direction or that one? Take this job or chase that dream? In this message, Senior Pastor Bob Merritt outlines a few simple steps to take to discover God’s will for your life—so that wherever we go and whatever we do, we can be faithful to Him.
As followers of Christ, we’re in a spiritual battle against an enemy that we can’t see. In this message, Pastor John Alexander shows us why we need every piece of God’s armor to resist our enemy, stand firm, and win the battle.
When it comes to money, who do you trust? Your bank? Your 401K? Your investor? In this message, Teaching Pastor Jason Strand challenges us to trust God, first and foremost, with our money—because when we put Him first in our finances, we’ll always have what we need. If you're interested in taking the 90-Day Challenge
How can we reach one more person, family, and community at a time with the love of Jesus? Only with your help. In this message, Senior Pastor Bob Merritt challenges each of us to make a sacrifice, take a step of faith, and get involved with our church’s mission of reaching people for Christ.
Ever feel like quitting? You’re tired. You’re weary of dealing with the same sin, same fights, same issues. In this message, Teaching Pastor Jason Strand challenges us to endure when we feel like quitting and learn to trust God in the waiting.
What’s the cure for soul fatigue—when you’re not just physically tired but weary deep in your soul? In this message, Senior Pastor Bob Merritt encourages us to truly surrender ourselves to God. Because only in surrender can we find true rest and peace.
Troubles in this life are a guarantee. But how we respond to them? That’s up to us. In this message, Teaching Pastor Jason Strand challenges us to ask God for help rather than trying to get by on our own—because He is the ultimate refuge in times of trouble.
The world say that weakness is a problem—something to be ashamed of. But in this message, Senior Pastor Bob Merritt challenges us to stop viewing our weaknesses as drawbacks and start seeing them for what they really are: Ways for God to show up in our lives in big ways.
For so many of us, anxiety can feel like an endless battle. But it’s a battle we don’t have to face alone. In this message, Jason Strand challenges us to invite God into our anxious moments and trust that He will give us exactly what we need, when we need it.
God designed us to be in intimate relationships with one another—not physically, but emotionally and spiritually. In this message, Teaching Pastor Jason Strand challenges us to measure the amount of relational intimacy in our lives and encourages us to repair the ruptures that exist within our relationships.
We are called to live in community with each other—but we all know how messy that can be. Conflict happens, and we are left with a choice to lean in and have a crucial conversation or to walk away. Both are defining moments in our relationships. In this message, Senior Pastor Bob Merritt shares practical and biblical ways to help us navigate crucial conversations so that we can have healthy relationships.
Words are powerful—no debate. They can inspire and build up, but they can also destroy. So how do we choose our responses wisely? In his message, Teaching Pastor Jason Strand talks about the root cause of what the Bible calls "reckless words" and how we can better watch what we say—and how we say it.
Character is the foundation to all good relationships. Honesty, integrity, and trust are a few of the building blocks that lead to thriving relationships. But how do we grow our character? In this message, Senior Pastor Bob Merritt gives practical ways for our relationships to go well. Take a look—your relationships are counting on it!
Maybe you were wow-ed at first by maple-bacon donuts—but now? Been there, done that. Falling snow is beautiful, but too much becomes inconvenient. God sent His Son so you could trade your old life for eternal life. Wow. But John 3:16? You could say it in your sleep. Join Teaching Pastor Jason Strand as he takes a deeper look at the truth of John 3:16 and how we can challenge the curse of familiarity.
God's most stunning creation is a life transformed by Jesus. When we trade our old life for eternal life and declare our faith in Jesus—that's the biggest Wow.
You don't need your circumstances to be different. The same you in a different set of circumstances isn't the secret. Christ in you? That's the secret. The power of Christ is accessible to believers—you and me—WOW!
Some of us feel defeated, empty, or dead inside. Or maybe we're alive, but not really living. When God's Spirit enters your life, everything changes. You feel alive, forgiven, and loved by God—and you experience peace.
It's so easy to believe that once I find my spouse, get that promotion or shake this anxiety—then I will be completely satisfied. But, it's only Jesus who can quench our thirst and remind us we are loved deeply by Him—exactly as we are.
Who do you follow? And not just on Instagram or Twitter—but who has your trust in real life? It's easy to get caught in the trap of being a Jesus consumer instead of a Jesus follower. We expect signs and wonders, but aren't willing to take on the cost that faith often requires.
You know that time you did that one bad thing? It was so bad you can't even say it out loud? If people find out, what will they think? Jesus didn't give up His life so you could hang onto one past sin or mistake. Despite the mess we make of our lives, God loves us.
Sometimes we can't see what God wants us to see. What might God be trying to show you?
So many voices are clamoring for your attention these days. Who do you listen to—and can you distinguish God's voice above the noise?
We all strive to live productive, purposeful lives. God prunes and shapes our stories—but we have to stay connected to Him to continue to grow.
Every person matters to God, but we often have different opinions and beliefs—so how can we live in unity when we don't always agree? When we reach across the line that divides us, we can make it easier for people to know Jesus loves them, too.
Arguments against the existence of God are common, and people often accuse Christians of having blind and ignorant faith. But God doesn’t ask us to check our brains at the door…we can have faith and use logic and experience to prove His existence.
What if it's true? What if believing in Jesus is the only way to heaven? Then believing in Him would mean a life of freedom and peace now and for eternity.
For a lot of us, the Bible is like vegetables–we know we should read it more, but we just don’t do it. Why is the Bible more than just another self-help book? Is such an ancient book still relevant–or even trustworthy?
Loving, humble, compassionate—all words that describe who Jesus was. But the world often sees Christians as the opposite, and sometimes for good reason. How can anyone follow Jesus when they don't like Christians?
Kids and parents will probably disagree on whether it's a good idea to eat all the Lucky Charms in one sitting. Sometimes, what we think is best and what God says is best aren’t the same, either.
Our heart is like the command center for our lives. Which means it’s really important to focus on how healthy it is—because what drives our heart will drive our life.
Have you ever wanted something so badly only to be totally underwhelmed when you got it? Our desires don’t always live up to our expectations.
There's something wildly entertaining about watching videos of people doing dumb things–but being part of one? Probably not a goal for most of us. Even a little bit of wisdom can make a big difference in our lives. That's why God gave us Proverbs–an entire book devoted to living a wise life.
Sports fans sport their team colors. Foodies freak over a delicious meal. When you're crazy about something, other people can tell. So, how obvious is it that you love and follow of Jesus?
When life is going well, it's easy to be #grateful and feel #blessed. But what about when #TheStruggleIsReal? A difficult job, a scary diagnosis, a challenging relationship—so much harder to #GiveThanks.
Submission—how does that word make you feel? Warm and fuzzy? Chances are no. Let’s take a deep dive into why submission is part of healthy, God-centered lives.
The Bible says, “It is God’s will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality.” But what is sexual immorality, exactly?
Signature dance moves, signature flavors, signature colors, signature style--all ways to be set apart. But have you ever heard of a signature sin?
I want to save money—but I really want that new phone. I want a great marriage—but work needs me right now. No matter how hard we try, we can't have it all.
A better life means less of some things and more of others. Just like we need less arguing and more ice cream.????
Sometimes the generations behind us leave us scratching our heads. But when we teach, encourage, and cheer them on we may start scratching our heads a lot less. And find ourselves pleasantly surprised by what we have to offer each other.
When someone believes in us, we feel like a superhero, ready to conquer the world. When someone cheers us on, we can face anything life brings our way. The generation behind us needs someone to believe in them and cheer them on—are you ready to help them win?
Do you ever feel the longing to overcome a struggle? An urge to influence the world around you? And then you realize what you're up against—the barriers, pushback, and challenges. Can you set it all aside and find a way to just start?
When busyness is worn like a badge of honor, it's difficult to slow down. When our value is determined by our achievements, it's hard to pass up new opportunities. But in a world of go, go, go is there ever a reason to stop?
Seeing our favorite band. Going on a dream vacation. We love to go when it’s fun and exciting—but what about when it isn’t? Starting a new job. Going to the first day of treatment. Uncertainty doesn't have to hold you back when it's time to go.
It's natural to want to leave when things get tough. When our marriage is strained, our job is frustrating, or our relationships are challenging—we long for a way out. But sometimes the biggest step of faith we can take is to stay.
Have you ever tried to prepare a meal for someone when your pantry was bare? Or tried to be generous with your money but your spending habits have left you with an empty bank account? Imagine the difference we can make if we're ready when the opportunity arises.
Time, resources, money—we often try to hold onto these things tightly, especially when we work so hard to earn them. What happens when we decide to start giving them away? We'll make difference in someone's life, but will we see a change in our lives, too?
Are the smiles in our family photos genuine or forced? Others may not be able to tell the difference, but we sure can. Sometimes smiles come easily—great things are happening, life is good. But if that's not the current reality? There's still reason to hope.
Sometimes the biggest problem in my family isn’t my spouse, my kids, my dog…it’s me.
Alarm goes off. Scroll social. Eat breakfast. Go to work. Come home. Eat dinner. Watch a show. Go to bed. Repeat. Need a shakeup in your routine?
Whatever we center our life around has the potential to influence everything. And when it's God at the center? We can get ready for HUGE payoffs...for our family and us!
Being betrayed—especially by someone we love—hurts really bad. It’s easy to let resentment take hold of us, but what if we chose a better way?
“Probably shouldn’t, but maybe just this one time. No harm.” Let’s find a better game plan when temptation is staring us in the face.
Sometimes we feel forgotten—by others or even God. When it happens, it's hard to feel loved and like we really matter. But does God ever truly forget us?
With the slightest shift in perspective, we can experience more peace and hope—even in times of pain and uncertainty.
Some call this the age of anxiety. Do you feel it? Let’s pause, take a breath, and sit back for a moment. The battle of anxiety is worth fighting, and little victories can be won every day.
Most of us get angry more than we realize. But nobody wants to live mad, right? Cuz when you're mad, it's easy to miss out on the good life that God wants for you.
Discontentment is one of those issues that can really fly under the radar. But when we realize all of our hustle is because we want what they have—it might be time for a reality check.
It feels pretty good to have the approval of others. But keeping their approval gets really exhausting. Is it possible to leave our people-pleasing ways?
God wants to meet us where we're at. And he'll use any situation we're in to do that. When a church service, conversation with a stranger, or song stops us in our tracks—is it just coincidence?
When it comes to pursuing great things in life, there are no shortcuts. A great career takes focus and tenacity. A great family requires sacrifice and unconditional love. Great relationships need time and attention. What’s the next great thing you’re going after?
Spin a globe and drop your finger on any spot. Near or far, there are lots of ways you could get there. Is heaven the same way?
It’s more valuable than friendships. More valuable than a career, marriage, or anything else we pursue. Saying yes to this one thing sets the stage for everything else.
Stepping into something new and unknown is difficult. In those moments, God is our guide—he’s with us every step of the way. And he doesn’t just tell us to be strong + courageous, he shows us how.
Sometimes life leads you to the edge of a river—you're safe on the bank, but on the other side of the raging waters is the opportunity you've been praying for. It’s time to take the first step of faith and put one foot in the water.
Big things don't usually start out that way. Little compromises and daily decisions can grow into something bigger than we anticipated—so maybe we should sweat the small stuff.
Sometimes, our prayers are safe. We pray to have a good day, that the MN Twins won't let us down, that our in-law’s visit will be short. But what happens in our life when we pray that "impossible" prayer—the one only God can answer?
We can’t change the past, but we can learn from it. We can’t control our future, but we can influence it. And we can use all of our experiences to shape the values we want for ourselves and our family.
You can "have it your way" when it comes to lots of things—which podcast to listen to, drive-thru to visit, or Netflix series to watch. But in your relationships, it's gotta be less about "me" and more about "we."
You expected him to always be on time. You expected her to enjoy the outdoors as much as you. That's okay; we all have expectations in relationships. And when we navigate them well, we enjoy each other more.
We all have that list—the must-haves for someone we'd consider dating. The things we hope will ensure our relationship is the real deal and not a flop. Wondering what's on our list? Here's our top 5.
How long did it take for you to realize your spouse wasn't perfect? Maybe it was when they put the toilet paper roll on upside down. Or they loaded the dishwasher that certain *wrong* way. Conflict is unavoidable—and it can actually make our marriages even stronger.
We've all messed up. But, God still values you above anything else he’s ever created.
Line leader—the most coveted role in an elementary classroom. Some kids clamor to the front and others hide in the back. Truth is, we’re all leaders—from leading ourselves to our family to the people around us.
Have you ever competed in a race? We bet the training was hard work, but it was the only way to get the result you wanted. This is true in our spiritual lives too…and lucky for all of us, spiritual training camp starts now.
If a package contains toxic chemicals, we stick a warning label on it. Toxic people can be harder to detect and avoid. How do we deal with relationships that suck the life out of us?
You have everything you need to live a wealthy life. And it doesn’t have anything to do with the number in your bank account.
Waste our lives or use them well? It’s up to us. Pursue our purpose or let it slip away? That’s up to us, too.
We’ve heard it so often it almost feels true—you can be anything you want to be. But sometimes believing that means you’re missing out on your true design.
There’s no magic wand to wave our suffering away when we choose to follow Jesus. But why does a good God allow us to go through painful experiences?
Sometimes we can’t help being a little—well, judgy. We judge people on everything from social media pics to political views. Some judgment can be really harmful and drive a wedge between us. But is all judgment bad?
The harder we try, the further we’ll go. But when all we do is hustle—do we lose out on a strength that only comes from God?
“I’ll never be enough”—it’s a hard feeling to shake. But what if God is inviting us to a life where our worth isn’t measured by our skillset?
We all want to be a decent human being, and it’s easy to believe that’ll get us in with God. But is our good, good enough?
Unknowns can be scary. Which is why most people don’t like to think about what’ll happen after they die. Maybe we just cease to exist or maybe there really is a heaven and hell. If there is, what difference does it make?
Some descriptions of heaven sound a little—boring. Angels playing harps while sitting on clouds? The Bible tells a much more exciting and hope-filled story. What will heaven actually be like?
When we dig into history, we see a common thread—people uncovering a need, showing up, and becoming messengers of hope + healing. And so often, where this happens, followers of Jesus are the ones leading the way. What does this say about who Jesus is?
Another reason we know Jesus is he who he claimed to be? Every life that's been completely transformed by encountering Him.
You’ve got moments of weakness. It’s what leads you to God, trusted friends, and can also tempt you to take shortcuts—trading long-term reward for immediate satisfaction.
You want to be generous. You pay it forward in the drive-thru and even throw some bills in the red bucket every Christmas. And it feels great! But what if you took spur-of-the-moment generosity and turned it into a planned way of life?
If your screen time report included time spent with God—what would it tell you? One thing’s for sure, the more time you spend with Him, the lighter and freer you (and your future self) will feel.
You have a unique story and see the world through a certain lens. Same goes for the neighbor who doesn’t look like you. The family member with different political beliefs. And the person holding up a picket sign. Even when hot topics arise between us, how do we let love lead the way?
It’s hard to see what racial unity can look like when we’re surrounded by division. But God has this big plan for the church—that every nation, tribe, people, and language would one day gather together. We haven’t always done a great job of this, but could we take another step forward today?
We have an obsession with being right and winning. So much so that we run the risk of losing relationships altogether. And yet, when we value loving over winning—we’ll find there’s much more that unites us.
Raise your hand if you like to be in control. It’s okay, we’re all prone to it. There will always be situations you have no control over. And you can either stress out or surrender them to a God who’s always in control.
Meeting in church buildings isn’t always a reality. And yet, the church continues to grow, thrive, and be a beacon of light. Maybe something that seemed like an obstacle, God is using as an opportunity.
Every story has a beginning, middle, and end. So does the story of this world. The “end” can feel unsettling. Or it can bring comfort in a less-than-perfect world, especially if one day it’ll mean an eternity spent with Jesus.
It’s easy to get locked in on the daily stuff of life. There are things to do, people to see, kids (or pets!) to chase. But all the while, there’s this nagging sense that something’s missing. Where’s the purpose that can bring meaning to the daily grind?
Oh, the things you’d do if you could call the shots. Just a little more influence and power would go a long way, right? Depends on what kind of power you’re looking for. What’s the difference between human power and having God’s power in your life?
When you’re not at peace, you can tell—and so can others. Anger, stress, and anxiety start creeping into your life. Is peace possible, no matter what comes your way?
You probably didn’t say “you betcha” on your wedding day. But you did say, “I do.” And agreed to something along the lines of “for better or worse, till death do us part.” After vows are exchanged + the party is over, how do you build a marriage that’ll last?
Even the best marriages can start feeling a bit stale. It’s easy to drift away and look for something fresh and exciting. What happens when you fight the boredom, work through the conflict, and chase after your marriage again?
It hurts to get passed over in the dating game. You might wonder if you’ll ever have the relationship that you’ve hoped for. What if you decided to flip the script—could singleness teach you some life lessons that marriage never could?
Parents know—raising kids to be happy + successful adults is a pretty heavy burden to bear. But what if parenting is more about inspiring kids to become who God created them to be instead of what the world expects them to be?
Being lost is a terrible feeling—you’re alone, scared, unsafe. But once you catch the first sight of your rescuer, something changes, and you know it’s going to be okay. Thank goodness we have a God like that, who stops at nothing to seek and save the ones he loves.
Meeting people’s most basic needs can help break down barriers like poverty, oppression, and hopelessness. And often, this is the first step in helping them experience the life-changing message of Jesus Christ.
Changed lives, healed marriages, broken addictions—God transforms any situation. He works through people like you and churches like Eagle Brook, who commit to reaching people no matter the cost.
Hopelessness doesn’t care about your age, relationship status, or level of success. When it grabs hold of your soul, it makes you feel like there’s nothing to look forward to. What can be done to get your soul out of a hopeless slump?
Anger takes on many forms: there’s the silent treatment, the death stare, the yell-until-you’re-red-in-the face. Sometimes anger is even justified. But how you express it and where you direct it can save you from moments you’ll later regret.
What do you do to avoid loneliness? Chase relationships, fill your schedule, get on social media? Before you run from loneliness too quickly—remember this: sometimes lonely moments are where a relationship with God can grow the most.
Ever get that bone-tired, exhausted, tank is empty feeling? Scrap the quick-fix you’re hoping for in that triple espresso latte—it’s time to find real rest for your soul.
Let’s say life throws some crazy, anxiety-producing event your way—you’re going to be shaken. Now searching for some semblance of peace becomes the main goal. So, where do you look first?
It’s not like you plan to fail—but failure happens. At some point, you will goof up, slip up, or mess up. Good thing God has a way of using your failures to change your future.
On Easter morning, Jesus rose from the grave and conquered death. This changed everything for you. Because of what Jesus did, you can experience hope, peace, and a relationship with God—no matter your story.
You experience a job loss, breakup, or death of a loved one and start to wonder—why, God? It’s a dark + lonely place. What if the same God you might blame for your pain is the same God that’s with you in it?
The Bible is full of words that give: direction, wisdom, encouragement. There are also parts that are genuinely perplexing. This can make you wonder—do I need to believe all of the Bible or is it okay to pick and choose?
There isn’t just one way to know God is real. He uses history, science, and your experiences to shape your view of him. Why? Because He stops at nothing to show His love for you.
Talking about different religions is personal. You don’t want to think that someone you care about could be wrong just because they hold different beliefs. What if we approach the convo like Jesus did? With lots of truth, grace, and understanding.
Hey, guess what? Sometimes our actions don’t match our values. This means, yes, we can be hypocritical. It’s a touchy topic. And that's why humility is the best way to approach the conversation.
Lesson #1 from Jonah—the guy who thought running away from God was a solid idea. The thing God’s asking you to do might seem scary or big or unattainable. But what would happen if you did it anyway?
Lesson #2 from Jonah. Sometimes you cause the storm in your life, other times it’s someone else. But no matter what, God is there when the waves come crashing in.
Lesson #3 from Jonah. Ever feel like some people just aren’t worth the effort? A relationship with them is hard, frustrating, maybe even painful. Is anyone too far gone to receive mercy and grace—from God and us?
Ever worry that your prayers are too short or don’t use the perfect words? When Jesus taught the Lord’s Prayer, he kept it simple and focused on what’s most important. Which started with acknowledging that prayer is more about “we” than “me.”
Forgiveness is an essential part of the Lord’s Prayer. And not just receiving God’s forgiveness but giving it to others. In fact, they’re so closely linked, that you can’t have one without the other. Which is harder for you—accepting that you’re forgiven or forgiving others?
It feels good to be protected—knowing harm can’t come your way. But what happens when a tempting situation comes along and threatens that security? When you pray for a way out, God promises to provide it.
How can two people be in the same situation but have entirely different attitudes about what they're experiencing? It all comes down to perspective. Your perspective determines whether you're hope-filled or hopeless. Confident or fearful. What are you letting shape your perspective?
What is hurting in your life right now? Maybe you’re experiencing physical pain. But it could also be emotional, spiritual, or relational. Jesus claimed he can heal it all. What difference could it make if he did that for you?
Saying “yes” can mean stepping into the unknown—are you going to find success or disappointment? When you decide to follow Jesus, it means leaving your old life behind. But on the other side of that “yes” is a life much bigger than you could dream up on your own.
Believing that God can do anything takes faith. And when you’re in the depths of the tough stuff, that’s hard to hold on to. But looking back on the ways he’s carried you through in the past can help you believe that “even when I can’t, God can.”
We live in a world of comparison. Who has the most followers? Biggest house? Best-paying job? Jesus doesn’t measure worth by the same standards. When he says, “the first will be last,” he invites us to find our value in what he did for us, not what we can do for ourselves.
Here’s something shocking: Christ isn’t actually Jesus’ last name. But the really shocking part is what “Christ” means. No other name in history has carried such a big promise—or been able to deliver on it.
Where does relational drift happen? Between friends, colleagues, dating relationships, parenting relationships, marriage. And often we’re so busy we don’t notice the drift happening. Stop. Let’s start heading in the other direction.
Drifting from God can be so subtle you hardly notice it. Less time in prayer, Scripture, church—small drifts that create big shifts in your life. Here’s the great news, getting back to that close relationship with God is just a few intentional steps away.
Culture has gradually drifted away from God—and the divide continues to grow. Consider this: are you drifting along with culture or are you intentionally pursuing God?
Complaining…it happens to the best of us. When people spend time with you—what do they expect to hear? Everything you’re upset about? Or how—even when life is hard—God’s got a plan.
The Church is God’s plan A to accomplish his mission in the world—to reach every broken, hurting, and lost person. What’s at stake when we (the Church) drift from that mission?
Every day you can choose joy, regardless of your circumstances. What habits, routines, and rhythms can you put into place to take control and win the day?
Something powerful happens when we put ourselves in a position to serve other people. How can serving others help increase your happiness?
The happiest people aren’t the ones who have the most. They’re the ones who give the most. What could you gain by living a generous life?
Grateful people are joyful people. So what are three ways you can develop an attitude of gratitude—that sticks around in life’s ups and downs?
You never know what’s happening behind the scenes when you pray to God. A man in the Bible prays and everything seems quiet—no answer from God when he needs it most. Then a supernatural being tells him a crazy story…
Have you ever felt... surrounded? Like life is coming at you from all sides, set to overtake you at any moment. An army surrounds a prophet in the Bible, and they’re ready to capture him. What happens next took faith—and a bit of divine intervention.
The spiritual world can feel a little unreal—even unbelievable. Jesus encounters a demon-possessed man in the Bible and we get to see spiritual warfare up close. What we learn will help us in our own battles, even when the enemy we're fighting is invisible.
"I'm stuck… I don’t know what to do." Feel familiar? Maybe a little anxiety-inducing? A man named Saul in the Bible finds himself in a tough spot… and God isn't answering his prayers. In a panic, he consults an unlikely—and rather spooky—source…
God gave us a vision to reach people in Minnesota, across the Midwest, and to the ends of the earth. Because the message of Jesus changes lives, and we’re going to share it with as many as we can in the time God has given us.
God loves that he gets to include you in his plans. He invites you into moments, not because he needs your help, but because he delights in your participation. And he's preparing you for those moments even when you don't realize it—but when the time comes, it's up to you to say "yes."
The words "who knows" can be frightening—or they can be full of potential. The words "what if" can be fueled by anxiety—or inspired by ambition. So flip the script. Take your "what if" and see what God can do when you open yourself up to seizing the moment.
Love can be complicated—but it's also worth fighting for. Want to get better at loving the people around you? Take a look in Jesus' playbook. But be warned: you might have to leave your comfort zone...
Love stays when everyone else leaves. Love keeps fighting when others back down. Love stands in the gap when faith is hard to keep. That kind of love is hard to find—but it can start with you.
It sounds obvious—make time for the people you love. But then life gets in the way. You've got a schedule to keep. But here’s an inconvenient truth: the kind of love that truly makes a difference doesn't stick to your schedule.
Picture this: you're eating lunch in your high school cafeteria, and you catch the eye of the new kid. He's looking around, trying to find a spot to sit. You know the table you choose matters. So… do you pull up a chair? Could feel like a risk—but it's exactly what love would do.
On March 1, 2020, Eagle Brook celebrated Bob Merritt and his 28 years of incredible leadership: How has God used the people in your life to point you to him? He loves using everyday people to accomplish amazing things. Join us as we celebrate Bob Merritt and his 28 years of incredible leadership.
Most people around the globe believe that Jesus was a great man, great teacher, and blessed by God with certain prophetic and supernatural powers. But what do you believe about Him? Was He just a great teacher, prophet and miracle worker, or was He more than that? In this message, Pastor Bob Merritt teaches us who Jesus really is.
On Good Friday, the day that Jesus was crucified, all hope seemed to have been lost. Jesus’ followers were devastated—this man, who they believed was the One who would save them, had died. What hope was left in the wake of such tragedy? But on Easter morning, He rose from the grave. And suddenly, hope came flooding back. There is now hope for forgiveness, hope for a relationship with God, hope beyond the grave—because Jesus conquered sin and death, forgave our sins, and made us right before God. And all we have to do is believe.
We all have chasms in our lives, relationally and spiritually. But God's power shows up best in chasms. In fact, that's what Easter is all about. In this message, Senior Pastor Bob Merritt takes a look at the greatest chasm ever crossed: when Jesus bridged the gap between us and God. He rose from the grave to heal us, forgive us, and restore our relationship with God and others.
Easter is a celebration of the world’s biggest event—the death and resurrection of Jesus. His resurrection gives us the power to close the gap between the life we have and the one we could have.
When Jesus rose from the grave, his light pierced through the darkness and conquered it forever. In this light, we find hope, comfort, and peace—no matter the darkness we face.
On Good Friday, we pause and prepare our hearts for Easter morning—when light conquered darkness once and for all.
It’s easy to get stuck in a cycle of anxious, fearful, or critical thoughts. But God created us for so much more. When we take His truths and apply them to our thoughts, we can win the daily battle in our mind.
What plans have you made this year that were totally wrecked? Sometimes your expectations for the future collide with the reality of the present. The Christmas story brings a timely reminder that even when the unplanned turns your world upside down, God’s purpose will still shine through.