Home / Series / E Street / Aired Order / Season 2 / Episode 12

The Reverend & The Doctor?

The Next Day... Lisa decides to stay home and write her story but also to try and rebond with Sonny. It is revealed to be a Saturday. Chris & Megan decide to go camping for the day. Well, err Chris decides anyway and after a few misadventures, they stay in the tent in the rain and muck around. However an uninvited guest sneaks in through a hole in the front. Ernie still (For some unknown reason) continues to hide his hurnia from Abby. Coaxed accidentally by Aunty Vi, she believes that Ernie is having an affair wtih Martha! Bob returns and is alot happier than when he left sort of freaking harley out a bit. Harley has his own dramas with Toni and after a boring series of chats (And meeting Janine) realises he wasn't invited to Toni's school dance and never was going to have it mentoined to him and flirts with Janine. Toni gets jealous but doesn't admit it and they have ANOTHER Fight and Toni storms out leaving Harley believing he was right. Bob tries to tell Elly he loves her but she wh

  • Originally Aired November 30, 2002
  • Runtime 60 minutes
  • Network Network 10
  • Created November 9, 2006 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified November 9, 2006 by
    Administrator admin