An action packed drama which follows the lives of a group of people, who have joined a cross-country road race for different reasons. Some have opted to join the race and some have been forced to join, but they are all after the $32 million prize.This episode was reshot after several cast changes were made.
Drivers from distinct backgrounds compete in an illegal road race. Tully, a landscaper, joins the competition to search for his kidnapped wife. Wendy, a new mother, must make a difficult decision, while trying to escape her controlling husband. Rob and Ellie Laird are hoping for some fun after his tour in Iraq, but other motives may be at play. The Salazar brothers look like they'll be a threat to other racers, but when faced with a dilemma, they might surprise someone.
All drivers hit the road for the fastest way to the next pit stop. Four participants have to face the consequences for their 'jump start'. Even without Ivy and Susan, Leigh will not stop racing and looks for a new co-pilot, while Wendy's baby gets in danger when his mother is pushed by Ivy to continue the race.
The action packed drama follows the lives of a group of people who joined the cross-country road race for different reasons. Some have opted to join the race and some have been forced to join, but they are all after the $32 million prize.This episode was reshot after several cast changes were made.