Während die Mission unter den wachsamen Augen der Kommandozentrale weitergeht, denkt Hinomoto über die Ereignisse nach, die beim letzten Ritual bekannt wurden.
The dragon pilots’ mission to lead “Mitatsu” to the new place to rest has almost been completed.
However, there is a great matter behind the thousands-year old ritual which has been strictly concealed.
What actually is Ksuabime, and what kind of life has Sada walked through?
Now Ritual is ending. In middle of a critical situation of this country, how will Hisone and Masotan make their decision?
And what kind of future will they select?
Alors que la mission suit son cours sous l'œil attentif du centre de commandement, Hinomoto repense aux événements survenus pendant la cérémonie précédente.
Mentre la missione prosegue sotto l'occhio vigile del centro di comando, Hinomoto riflette su quanto avvenuto durante il precedente rituale.
A missão prossegue sob a vigilância do centro de comando, e Hinomoto reflete sobre os eventos revelados no ritual anterior.
El centro de control vigila atentamente el desarrollo de la misión. Mientras, Hinomoto reflexiona sobre los acontecimientos que tuvieron lugar durante el ritual anterior.
Terwijl de missie wordt uitgevoerd onder het toeziend oog van het commandocentrum, denkt Hinomoto na over de gebeurtenissen die plaatsvonden tijdens het vorige ritueel.