Episode 2: "Kameheme..." This is actually the first scene that didn't work out for us the way we wanted it to. Considering it's the first Kamehameha of the show, it's kind of sad that we had to cut it. But, all things considered... it wasn't that big of a deal anyway. Poor Goku. Episode 4: "Straßenfeger" This is one that came to us after we had scripted out and were knee deep into the episode. We thought it was a great setup for something and, after a quick throw-around, we decided on this. Unfortunately, we could not fit it into the episode. It was fun though! Episode 4: "Goodbye" This would have been the ending to the Episode if the Gameover scene wasn't such a integral part of the joke. This is easily our most morbid scene, as well... to date. Kaiser - Street Sweeper Ogre Lanipator - Piccolo, Goz Masako - Goku Hbi2k - Mez LordQuadros - Snakelady Servent