Der erste Kämpfer, neben den dreien die im Schaukampf vertreten waren, soll natürlich Vegeta sein. Der will aber nicht am Turnier teilnehmen, da er bei der Geburt seines zweiten Kindes dabei sein will, welche kurz bevorsteht. Whis löst das Problem kurzerhand, indem er das Baby mit Magie aus Bulma herausholt. Bulma gibt ihrer Tochter sogleich den Namen Bra, ohne Vegeta vorher zu fragen, der ihr lieber einen Saiyajin-Namen gegeben hätte. Als weitere Kämpfer für das Turnier wählen Son Goku und Son Gohan vorerst Piccolo, Krillin, C 18, C 17 und den Herrn der Schildkröten aus, auch wenn der Kaioshin auch noch auf anderen Planeten nach stärkeren Kämpfern suchen will.
Goku and the others arrive at Capsule Corporation to discuss who should be on the team, Beerus still refusing to tell Goku the truth about Monaka while claiming him to be too sick to participate, and agree to enlist Earth's fighters. Goku and Gohan agree on Majin Buu, Vegeta, Piccolo, Krillin, Master Roshi, Android 18, and Android 17 for a total of nine, ruling out Trunks and Goten for their inexperience. They proceed to ask Vegeta, who has thought up a name for his unborn child and still refuses to participate in the Tournament of Power while Bulma is pregnant. Whis uses his time warping ability to speed up the infant's birth so Vegeta can participate, with everyone celebrating while Vegeta develops an attachment to his newborn daughter. While upset that he couldn't name her Eschalot, he settles for Bulma's naming their child Bulla. Goku leaves to recruit team members, starting with Krillin and 18.
Gokū part à la recherche de membres pour participer au « Tournoi du Pouvoir », cependant… ?! Avec la naissance de sa fille qui approche, Vegeta ne peut rester calme ! Gokū et les autres approchent Vegeta afin de lui demander de participer au tournoi, mais il refuse de nouveau. La raison semble être le fait que Bulma s’apprête à accoucher…
Goku e Gohan pensano alla scelta degli altri guerrieri del proprio universo che parteciperanno al Torneo del Potere, ma Vegeta rinuncia perché non può lasciare Bulma che a breve dovrà partorire.
Buscando a los guardianes del séptimo universo. ¿Quiénes son los diez más fuertes?
전람 경기를 마친 오공들은 지구로 돌아왔다. 캡슐 코퍼레이션은 아직 부루마 출산이 끝나지 않고 웅성거리고 있다. 베지터도 침착하지 못한 모습이다. 오공들은 식사를 하면서"힘의 대회"에 출전하는 회원을 논의한다. 역시 맨 먼저 후보에 오른 것은 베지터이었지만 베지터는 아이가 무사히 태어나기 전까지는 단호히 부루마의 곁을 떠나지 않겠다고 한다. 그러자 우이스는 부루마의 방에 가서 천천히 손에 들며 초능력으로 순식간에 태내에 있던 아기가 탄생하게 만들어 버린다...
Goku, Gohan e Boo voltam à Terra e precisam de mais sete guerreiros para formar a seleção do 7º Universo para o Torneio do Poder, que acontecerá em menos de dois dias. Mas Vegeta insiste que não pode deixar a Terra antes do parto de sua filha!