This 60-minute film launches a new six-part comedy serial. Jn 1960 N. V. Standish was the Oxford graduate most likely to succeed - a brilliant athlete, author of a dazzling novel and on the brink of what would surely be a glittering career in the Diplomatic Service. So why in 1988, is he grilling hamburgers for a living?
In 1960 N. V. Standish was the Oxford graduate most likely to succeed. But 1988 finds him being taken care of by two sisters who were at University with him, after they found him grilling hamburgers in a local restaurant. Will his dubious past catch up with him?
Standish is back staying with Mary and Louise, living in some comfort and for free. Next-door neighbour Derek however, thinks he should be paying rent. The dilemma facing NV is how to obtain the rent money while expending the minimum amount of energy.
Standish is bored with his job at the bookshop and decides to embark upon a novel way of raising some extra cash.
Is 'Bare-Breasted Beauties of the Amazon' a suitable subject for a sixth-form lecture? N.V. Standish becomes Ellen's hero when he agrees to be her guest speaker at school.
N.V. Standish discovers that William is ill and receiving no attention in his squalid digs, so he decides that William could benefit from a little of Louise and Mary's 'hospitality'. He does, however, neglect to tell anyone that William is in his room. William's illness stretches out interminably and N.V. eventually has to find a way of sending him home.
When Ellen decides not to go back to school for the new term, NV is persuaded to reason with her, but the expected result of NV's confidential chat with Ellen turns out not to be what any of them would have expected ...