When Joe retires after 40 years of undistinguished work in a nondescript factory everything changes, and both he and his wife find themselves spiraling downwards from a life of contentment into depression and discontentment.
Dossa and Joe continue with the counsellor in the second episode of Caroline Aherne's bittersweet comedy drama about the nature of life-long marriage. Joe is still resistant to the idea of therapy and discussing his 'feelings' with either Dossa or Claire the counsellor.
Another session with the marriage guidance counsellor and Joe is convinced counsellor Claire is a 'fruit loop': "you're hostile to men, you have your own car and a moustache bigger than mine…" just as he suspects Robbo at work to be. Joe says everything has been fine since their last session, but Dossa has not been feeling well at all and the counsellor thinks their problems could have something to do with her illness. Dossa thinks Joe has passed his malaise on to her but Joe will have none of that—he thinks it was his devoted nursing that brought her back to health and there is nothing else wrong with her.
Dossa goes along to marriage guidance counselling alone. Joe has refused to come so Dossa has the opportunity to truly share her feelings with Claire. Claire delves into Dossa's past to find out how she and Joe met and what their first date was like.
Joe's old friend, Charlie, pays a visit to Dossa and Joe and enjoys flirting with Dossa. He's a real charmer and has brought French champagne ("How much do you think it cost? Whatever you think, double it… ") and flowers to impress Dossa.
Dossa buys Joe a karaoke machine for his 60th birthday.