Game show set in the mythological underground world of Halian. A team of three intrepid treasure seekers face a series of obstacles in their quest to retrieve ancient artefacts.
Team Trailblazers enter the ancient underground world of Halian - can they overcome the obstacles, retrieve the ancient artefacts and escape?
Team Titans enter the ancient underground world of Halian - can they overcome the obstacles, retrieve the ancient artefacts and escape?
Team Code Crackersenter the ancient underground world of Halian - can they overcome the obstacles, retrieve the ancient artefacts and escape?
Team Dare Devil enter the ancient underground world of Halian - can they overcome the obstacles, retrieve the ancient artefacts and escape?
Team Stone Hunters enter the ancient underground world of Halian - can they overcome the obstacles, retrieve the ancient artefacts and escape?
Team Firecrackers enter the ancient underground world of Halian - can they overcome the obstacles, retrieve the ancient artefacts and escape?
Team Megaminds enter the ancient underground world of Halian - can they overcome the obstacles, retrieve the ancient artefacts and escape?
Team Girl Power enter the ancient underground world of Halian - can they overcome the obstacles, retrieve the ancient artefacts and escape?
Team Fearless Fighters enter the ancient underground world of Halian - can they overcome the obstacles, retrieve the ancient artefacts and escape?
Team Valiant enter the ancient underground world of Halian - can they overcome the obstacles, retrieve the ancient artefacts and escape?
Team Centurions enter the ancient underground world of Halian - can they overcome the obstacles, retrieve the ancient artefacts and escape?
Team Cave Conquerors enter the ancient underground world of Halian - can they overcome the obstacles, retrieve the ancient artefacts and escape?
Team Dynamic Duo enter the ancient underground world of Halian - can they overcome the obstacles, retrieve the ancient artefacts and escape?