The nation that spawned the intrepid Raleigh and Drake has now become so wrapped in cotton wool that conkers are considered offensive weapons. Fear of litigation caused headmaster Shaun Halfpenny to buy 6 pairs of safety goggles for children wishing to play conkers in the playground. This risk avoidance culture means that health and safety and political correctness is now taken to absurd extremes. pancake racing is a dangerous sport, homemade cakes are outlawed in hospitals, and bonfire night is banned. There has been a massive increase in ambulance-chasing firms who encourage people to be less forgiving of accidents and more eager to attribute blame. ‘Has the nurse made you worse?’ posters proliferate in hospitals. Why does society no longer accept the concept of a genuine accident? And do we really want absolute safety? Surely that’s inseparable from alienation? ALL contact with other people carries more risk than sitting on your own staring at the wall.