D’Artagnan und Juliette werden von ihren Widersachern, der Leibgarde des Kardinals, verfolgt. Sie können entkommen, und Juliette erzählt D’Artagnan etwas mehr über den Geheimauftrag. Durch einen Trick von Mylady de Winter werden die Beiden jedoch wieder getrennt. D’Artagnan erhält von Widimer einen Brief, in dem dieser behauptet, er hielte Juliette gefangen. Er stellt D’Artagnan damit eine Falle, in die dieser fast hineintappt.
The Cardinal and his accomplices are still trying to prove that a Musketeer attempted to kill the Queen, in order to disgrace Treville and assume sole command of the King's forces. Porthos reveals that he knows a lot about Milady. Treville decides to keep Dogtanian a prisoner in the Bastille until the affair blows over. Juliette eludes Widimer only to be captured by Milady. She escapes, they fight, and Juliette falls into a gorge. Dogtanian is tricked into believing that Juliette is a prisoner and goes to the rescue with the Three Muskehounds, though all risk expulson from the Musketeers for disobeying orders. They fall into the Cardinal's trap and are greatly outnumbered by guardsmen armed with spears and rifles. At the last moment Treville arrives with the entire corps of Musketeers, pretending to be on manoeuvres, and leads them to safety.
Constance et D’Artagnan échappent à leurs poursuivants et notre ami en apprend un peu plus sur la mission secrète de Constance. Mais ils sont à nouveau séparés grâce à un mauvais tour de Milady. Malgré les recommandations de monsieur de Tréville, D’Artagnan n’en fait qu’à sa tête...
Uma vez mais, Dartacão e Julieta são separados pelos truques de Milady. Dartacão recebe uma carta de Widimer afirmando, falsamente, que Julieta está em seu poder. Uma briga entre Dartacão e os seus amigos Moscãoteiros, por um lado, e Widimer e os guardas, por outro, termina quando o senhor de Tréville dá a entender a Richeleão que sabe o que se está a passar.