D’Artagnan sieht den geheimnisvollen Mann mit dem schwarzen Schnurrbart wieder. Er verfolgt ihn und fordert – nach einer Reihe von Missverständnissen – die drei Musketiere nacheinander zum Duell. Duelle sind jedoch verboten, und der Kardinal sieht endlich seine Stunde gekommen, die Musketiere zu verhaften.
Still chasing the Man with the Black Moustache, Dogtanian bumps into Athos, who is showing off his fancy new baldric to an admiring guard. In the scuffle with Dogtanian it is revealed that the back part of the baldric is missing. Athos has been made to look silly, and he challenges Dogtanian to a duel. Next Dogtanian meets Aramis entertaining a lady friend. He also gets angry with the youngster and challenges him to a fight. Meanwhile his quarry, who is actually Count Rochefort, a spy for Cardinal Richelieu, gets away. Widimer learns that the Musketeers are going to duel and plans to catch them red-handed breaking the law. Dogtanian arrives for the duel and finds that Porthos has picked Athos and Aramis as his seconds. Noticing that Porthos is troubled by his wound, he offers him the healing ointment, but Porthos refuses. They fight, and prove to be evenly matched. When they are exhausted Widimer's men step in to arrest them, but Dogtanian and the Three Muskehounds resist arrest and
D’Artagnan aperçoit l’homme à la moustache noire, le comte de Rochefort, mais en essayant de le poursuivre, il offense les trois mousquetaires. Il doit alors se battre en duel avec chacun d’eux. Mais le premier duel tourne court rapidement...
Dartacão vê o homem com o bigode preto, o conde Rocãoforte, e enquanto o persegue começa a desafiar os Três Moscãoteiros. Dartacão tem de se bater contra cada um deles, mas o primeiro duelo é interrompido por Widimer e os guardas. Dartacão e os Três Moscãoteiros juntam-se para lutar contra os homens de Widimer. Widimer informa Richeleão do sucedido, que vê neste incidente uma oportunidade para chamar a atenção do Rei contra os Moscãoteiros.