Tyler erhält den Lernführerschein. Stan fährt Ellens Auto zu Schrott, nachdem er eine kleine Spazierfahrt unternommen hat, aber Tyler gerät unter Verdacht. Bennett und Ellen erinnern sich an die Zeit, als Tyler und Avery noch klein waren, und wollen sich jetzt besser auf Chloe konzentrieren.
After Tyler gets his learner's permit, he wants to drive alone due to his parents annoying him, and everyone wanting taking advantage of him. Chaos ensues when Stan crashes the car because he wanted to be like a person, and everyone thinks Tyler did it. Meanwhile, Ellen and Bennett relive the memories they shared with Tyler and Avery when they were kids and realize that they are all grown-up, so they start cherishing memories with Chloe. In flashbacks, it is revealed that Ellen and Bennett had an ugly run-in at the park when Avery and Tyler were much younger, however they do not remember this.
Tyler obtient son permis de conduire. Stan a un accident avec la voiture d'Ellen et c'est Tyler qui est accusé à sa place...
Tyler obtiene su permiso de conducir provisional. Stan estrella el coche de Ellen y le echan la culpa a Tyler. Bennett y Ellen recuerdan la infancia de Tyler y Avery, y se centran más en Chloe