Üniversiteye gitme planları yapan Gece, bir yandan da tüm yaz boyunca sevgilisi ile müzik yapma hayalleri kurmaktadır. Ancak bütün hayalleri bir süreliğine askıya alınmak zorundadır.
The story centers around Gece, who had planned to attend university and spend the summer making music with her boyfriend Emir. However, she had to put her plans on hold since her sister Gülce, who has special needs, is struggling to cope with the noise and crowds of Istanbul. Not wanting to leave her lover and all her dreams in Istanbul, Gece suddenly finds herself in Foça with her family. Her life is turned upside down instantly, but then she meets Özgür, an instructor at the sailing club where her brother is enrolled. Özgür is a handsome young man who has devoted his life to his brother Rüzgar, who has Asperger's Syndrome, after losing his parents in a fire. As Gece spends more time with Özgür, she learns to look at life from a more mature perspective, and Özgür learns from Gece that she should not postpone life. However, the arrival of Emir, Gece's lover, in Foça creates walls between the two that are difficult to get used to. Will Gece dare to pursue true love?
Турецкая адаптация израильского сериала «Exceptional».
Гедже, которая планирует поступить в университет в Стамбуле, решает всё лето заниматься музыкой со своим парнем Эмиром. Но все мечты приходится отложить, потому что ее сестре-аутистке Гюльдже становится все труднее переносить шум большого города, и семья решает переехать в маленький городок под названием Фоча.
Здесь Гедже знакомится с инструктором клуба для детей-аутистов Озгюром, брат которого по имени Рюзгар также аутист. После знакомства с Озгюром Гедже учится смотреть на жизнь более зрело, а Озгюр учится у Гедже не откладывать жизнь в долгий ящик. Но всё усложняется с приездом в городок Эмира.