The Revisited team looks back at the adventures in time and space of the original Doctor Who, played by William Hartnell, with a first look at the TARDIS and the first appearance of the Daleks. Contributors include current show runner and lead writer, Stephen Moffat, tenth Doctor David Tennant, companion John Barrowman and executive producer Caroline Skinner.
In 1966, the Doctor Who production team decided to recast the show lead. The Revisited team looks back at the era of the new Doctor Who, played by Patrick Troughton, considering the impact of a new take on the character and the first appearance of the Cybermen. The regular contributors are joined by former companions Frazer Hines and Wendy Padbury.
The Revisited team looks back to the era of the fourth, and longest serving, Doctor, played by Tom Baker, who brought a new and eccentric take on the Time Lord. Highlights include the first visit to the Doctor's homeworld, Gallifrey, and the introduction of Davros, the creator of the Daleks. Show star Tom Baker and companion Louise Jameson join the regular contributors.
Doctor Who was relaunched in 2005, reimagined and retooled for the 21st Century, to critical acclaim and winning a new generation of fans. The Revisited team celebrate the return of an icon and Christopher Eccleston's radical new interpretation of the Doctor as a no-nonsense adventurer in time and space.