As the new year begins, a terrifying evil from across the centuries of Earth's history is stirring. As the Doctor, Ryan, Graham and Yaz return home, will they be able to overcome the threat to planet Earth?
Name | Type | Role | |
Chris Chibnall | Writer | ||
Sophie Duval | Guest Star | Mum | |
Nicholas Briggs | Guest Star | Dalek | |
Daniel Adegboyega | Guest Star | Aaron | |
Callum McDonald | Guest Star | Teen | |
Darryl Clark | Guest Star | Police Officer Will | |
Harry Vallance | Guest Star | Teen | |
Connor Calland | Guest Star | Security Guard Richard | |
Laura Evelyn | Guest Star | Call Centre Polly | |
Charlotte Ritchie | Guest Star | Lin | |
James Lewis | Guest Star | Farmer Dinkle | |
Michael Ballard | Guest Star | Sergeant | |
Nikesh Patel | Guest Star | Mitch | |
Wayne Yip | Director |