국방장관 2차 수술 중 예기치 못한 사고가 발생하고 국방장관의 아들은 이를 두고 돌담병원을 의료과실로 고소하겠다 선언하는데..
Park Min Kook asks Woo Jin questions about the primary surgery that Kim Sa Bu operated and Woo Jin hesitates to answer them. The director of Doldam Hospital comes back to the hospital and Ah Reum greets him. Eun Jae gets furious on Woo Jin for taking away her opportunity to be in the second operation with Park Min Kook. And Doldam Hospital is on the verge of being sued for malpractice.
Woo-jin se retrouve au milieu d'un conflit opposant deux équipes de médecins lorsque la famille d'un patient menace de lancer des poursuites pour faute professionnelle.
U-jin gerät zwischen die Fronten zweier verfeindeter Ärzteteams, als die Familie eines Patienten wegen eines Behandlungsfehlers mit einer Klage droht.