• Microsoft Photosynth is Microsoft technology that lets you manipulate extremely large amounts of visual data. Our buddy Marc writes, "If you've ever seen or played around with Jef Raskin's Humane interface, this is pretty much the older brother, on steroids. The demo showed a high resolution newspaper, a book where each chapter was a column, and an extremely large image of the US where you could zoom and out on every street. There's also an online Photosynth demo where they took every image they could find on the Notre Dame (on Flickr) and stitched them together to recreate it. Really sweet." Robert's hooked... check it out. • We got a little excited about online maps after that Photosynth demo... Google Maps Street View, and Add destination, which lets you add multiple stops when you 'Get directions.' (Look at the bottom of the Search Results on the left hand side of this link. • Did we mention excited? We forgot to run the Viewer Tech Pics in this show. We'll catch up on Tuesday... • Map24.com was the first site we saw that offered multiple destinations on one trip. • Maps.Live.com has the best traffic conditions, tho, right down to little yellow triangular accident/road condition markers, and has some outstanding satellite imagery. • Can an LCD burn in? Don't worry, Rune. Rob says playing some video (in full screen mode), or just turning it off for a couple hours will usually clear that ghosting you see if you leave a window open for hours on your monitor. • Instant Charging Station For Your Gadgets: callpod's Chargepod can charge up to six devices at once. Looks nifty, costs $49.95 with a single adapter. (Additional adapters are $9.95 each.) • "The palm rest on my notebook is discolored from use. Can I repaint the laptop myself? Is it a difficult process? Can you point me to a tutorial or have some tips?" Guillermo, this is your lucky day. (Tho you should try cleaning that palm rest, first.) • Painting Your Notebook Lid, or just about