Techno-Oddness: * Availabots, Nabaztag the WiFi Technobunny... er, "lapin communicant,", and the future of odd gadgets that 'speak' to you without your monitor or speakers. Free Tools From The DL.TV Crew: * Wow, you guys had some pretty solid ideas about how to print to PDFs for free! * Never printed to a PDF? It's like printing to a document on your desktop, instead of a physical printer. * Most of you recommended: CutePDF Some folks prefer PDFCreator. PrimoPDF was also popular. * Other ideas? Use something with it build in, such OS X, OpenOffice, or Office 12! (Well, when it ships.) Viewer Questions: * Intentsly wants to know when the new Merom notebooks will arrive&We've got a rough date, and NoteBookreview has a good preliminary list. * What's making video playback shake on my monitor? What kind of tech would we buy if $2000 fell out of the sky? More! News: * NBC and YouTube Form Partnership * House Wants Ban on MySpace * MacBook Wireless Hacked... this driver vulnerability works on PCs, too All you need is the right, er, wrong WiFi setup. And all you need to do is turn on your system. (The details of the crack have not been made public, yet, so hopefully vendors will patch the holes quickly!) * AOL Says Workforce to Shrink by a Quarter& ouch