Episode one features Ed Kavalee (@mredkavelee), Josh Earl (@MrJoshEarl) and Karl Chandler (@KarlChandler) with Dil talking about social media and how they handle getting trolled.
Episode two features Sam Taunton (@SamTaunton), Tim Hewitt (@TimHewitt), Danielle Walker (@DansCoolOkay) and Ben Russell (@Brussels) chatting with Dil about moving away from home to chase the comedy dream.
Episode three features Dave Thornton (@dave_thorno), Ben Lomas (@BenLomasComic) and Karl Chandler (@KarlChandler) chatting with Dil about being a comic and staying healthy, or not healthy as it may be.
Episode 4 features Danny Mcginlay (@dannymcginlay), Sami Shah (@samishah) and Liam Ryan (@liamoryan) talking about relationships in comedy.
Episode 5 features Adam Rozenbachs (@arozenbachs), Tommy Dassalo (@dassalo) and Xavier Michelides (@XavMichelides) talking about life as a comedian.
Episode 6 features Alex Ward (@alexmward), Jess Perkins (@jess_perkins) and Peter Jones (@PeterTheJones) talking about getting into comedy and what gets someone into comedy.