Taiki and the rest are transported back to Earth by the DigiMemories of Examon and WarGreymon. Examon proceeds to reveal Bagramon's plan and the forming of DigiMemories. Soon, Yū's Darkness Loader transformed into a yellow Xros Loader as Examon and WarGreymon's DigiMemories revive Omegamon's DigiMemory. Soon, a decisive battle between Xros Heart United Army and the Bagra Army started. Meanwhile, Taiki, Akari and Cutemon enters into DarknessBagramon's body with intention to search for Shoutmon. As they encountering a metaphysical Bagramon with Taiki nearly killed, the Dark Stone purified into Code Crown and brings every digimon including Shoutmon back to life. The Code Crown then sends Taiki and his team members out of DarknessBagramon's body. Guided by the Code Crown, the Xros Heart executes a DigiXros called Final Xros on Shoutmon with all Digimon to form Shoutmon ×7 Superior Mode. Finally, DarknessBagramon is destroyed for good and everything back to normal. Taiki and his friends said goodbye to Shoutmon and the Digimon as they return to the Digital World but has a feeling that his adventures are not over yet.
Los chicos ven el D5. Examon les habla de la total destrucción y como los caballeros lucharon para detenerlo. Los avances tecnológicos en la tierra crearon un colapso del Digimundo y los caballeros se convirtieron en DigiMemories por eso. Tras flotar durante años, gracias a Tactimon (cuando llegó a la tierra) ellos se aferraron para irrumpir en el mundo real y así ayudaron a Zenjirou y Akari.Las DigiMemory restantes reviven a Omegamon mientras en el mundo real están todos convertidos en piedra.
זהו הקרב האחרון בין לוחמי ההתאחדות לצבא של בגרה המרושע. עכשיו כשקוד הכתרים לא בנמצא, כוחו של מגה בגרה אפל גדול ומאיים מתמיד. מייקי לא מאבד תקווה ומגייס את כל הדיג'ימונים לקרב אחד אחרון בהחלט.