In Prison Land, the Death Generals defeated Shoutmon ×3 so easily, but moved by this act of self-sacrifice, Olegmon switch sides to support Taiki against his former teammates, while Apollomon is separated from Whispered to settle their very own battle. At that time, having no intention of keeping his word to Taiki to spare the others, DarkKnightmon has GrandGeneramon to defeat Kiriha and Nene. Later, Apollomon sacrifice himself to help Taiki and his Digimon along with Olegmon in restoring themselves. However, Olegmon died again in the process when the Xros Heart team destroyed the incomplete GrandGeneramon. With their fight against the Death Generals truly over, Taiki and the others head to the actual Pandemonia to face Bagramon and DarkKnightmon while rescuing Yū.
Taiki usa la DigiXros para formar a Shoutmon X3 sin embargo está ante los generales. X3 no tiene suficiente poder mientras los generales miran como Dorbickmon ataca.
NeoVamdemon, Splashmon y Zamielmon atacan para deshacer la unión mientras Olegmon mira sorprendido. Whispered Apollomon dice que si mueren acá su alma se extinguirá.Dentro de Whispered siente algo especial, al parecer la oscuridad no lo controla al 100%. Gravimon ataca a Taiki para tirarlo al suelo.
מייקי והדיג'ימונים נספגים אל תוך ממלכת הכלא, שם כלואים כל ליבות הדיג'י של הגנרלים האפלים! הם נאלצים להיאבק בהם על מנת לצאת החוצה, אף על פי שאף אחד עוד לא יצא מתאי המעצר מעולם!