Xros Heart arrives in the futuristic Kingdom, Cyber Land, where they are attacked by an army of Andromon emerging from a Whamon. However, upon defeating them, the gang realize they are only puppet-replicas. Deciding to stop it at the source, Taiki and his companions enter the Whamon-like spaceship and discover a strange girl kept in a capsule within it. Introducing herself as Ruka, she explains that she captured by the Bagra Army. Despite Dorulumon being reluctant to trust her, Taiki and the others quickly accept her into their group as she leads them out from the spaceship. However, Dorulumon soon gets separated from the others because of chasing over Ruka and encounters Cutemon, who is acting strangely. However, the Cutemon turns out to be the fourth Death General known as Splashmon, who possesses the ability to assume any form. Capturing Dorulumon in his trap, Splashmon reveals that his puppets, Ruka among them, are controlled by creatures created by him, called Drippins. Assuming Dorulumon's form, Splashmon appears before Taiki and the rest as they look for their friend, leading a group of MetalTyrannomon to attack them.
En el cuarto país, la Tierra Cibernética, Taiki y sus amigos imitaban Digimon, y lanzaron una batalla a las máquinas de manufacturación, el Ejército de Andromon. Mientras, se rompe el mundo en una aeronave de tipo Whamon. Dentro se descubre una niña durmiendo en el dispositivo de sueño, Ruka, que al despertar, explicará que se perdió en el Mundo Digital y no fue capturada por el Ejército Bagra.
לוחמי ההתאחדות מגיעים לממלכה הבאה, ממלכת הסייבר, ופוגשים שם בחורה אבודה בשם לוקה, המעוררת את חשדו של דורולומון. בדיוק בשיא המאבק מול ספלאשמון, הגנרל האפל, דורולומון מתגלה דווקא כבוגד!