Taiki and Shoutmon return to the Digital World and land in Dragon Land, knowing that through Lilymon (Shoutmon's old village mate) that there are no longer Zones as the Digital World has been reformated into one floating island where Bagramon reigns from, with seven surrounding Lands, each ruled by DarkKnightmon's Death Generals. Taiki and Shoutmon encounter Dracomon, saving him from a mob of dinosaur and dragon Digimon led by Devidramon. Meanwhile, Kiriha arrives and launches an attack at the Bagra Army's Dragon Land branch while calling out the first Death General, Dorbickmon. Answering Kiriha's challenge, having taking out the bulk of Blue Flare with a pit trap, Dorbickmon arrives in his Darkness Mode and uses his Darkness Loader to Forced DigiXros his Flarerizamon into a flaming sword to easily defeat DeckerGreymon. With some help from Lilymon and Dracomon, Taiki manages to get Kiriha away from Dorbickmon's attack. Realizing Xros Heart's team has returned, Dorbickmon Xros Opens to have Fanglongmon aid the Salamandermon, in destroying Taiki and the rest with their magma. Soon, Dracomon's brave attitude to sacrifice himself in order to save Taiki and the others, causes Shoutmon to digivolve to OmegaShoutmon and defeat the army before Dorbickmon arrives, springing his trap as OmegaShoutmon is buried alive.
Taiki llega a Dragon Land donde ya ha pasado mucho tiempo en el Digimundo por lo que estuvo en el mundo real. Tras llegar la zona se ve muy bien. Lillymon aparece y llama a Shoutmon, este se esconde a Taiki pero no tardan mucho en reconocerlo. Digimon malvados como Flarelizardmon, DarkTyrannomon y otros Dragones aparecen. En un momento se ve a Dracomon corriendo hasta que se ve sorprendido por los otros Dragones. Devidramon quiere que se una a ellos pero Dracomon insiste en que no deben lastimar a nadie.
מייקי קודו ושאותמון חוזרים להציל את העולם הדיגיטלי, שהשתלט באופן מלא על ידי צבאו של בגרה! הם מגלים במהרה כי העולם שינה צורתו ומתחלק לשבע ממלכות, וכל הדיג'ימונים החיים בהן נמצאים בסכנה ממשית!