Mikey und sein Team folgen Spadamons Hilferuf und begeben sich in die süße Zone. Diese Zone der Naschereien wurde bereits von Bagra eingenommen. Matadramon hat die Code-Krone in seinen Besitz gebracht und alle Konditoren im Schloss eingesperrt. Um diese zu retten, nimmt Angie am Konditorwettbewerb teil.
Taiki founds and rescues the digimon, known as Spadamon with Cutemon healing him. Spadamon explains that the Sweets Zone has been taken over by the Bagra Army's Matadormon, forcing the patissiere to prepare desserts for him. In order to save them, Xros Heart enters the Sweet Zone and persuaded the group of Monzaemon which they encountered that Akari is the best patissiere in the Digital World. While Nene and the Monitamon concentrate on rescuing the imprisoned patissiere, the Xros Heart enter a kitchen colosseum where they meet with the top chef WaruMonzaemon, Matadormon private chef, and took down a challenge in order to make Matadormon reveals himself. Their unappealing sweet potatoes cake wins the challenge and with the hostages being rescued, Xros Heart started off a battle. Monzaemon leader then absorbs his Monzaemon followers to become Giga WaruMonzaemon. Shoutmon ×4 initially struggles in the battle but with Spadamon offers himself to DigiXros with him which then becomes Shoutmon ×4S, they managed to defeat Giga WaruMonzaemon. As Coronamon, one of the prisoners being free, mentioned that Cutemon's parents were sent to the underground along with other residents, Matadormon appeared and split the ground, sending the Xros Heart falling.
Taiki escucha la melodía de cuando un digimon esta muriendo, este era Spadamon. Después de haber sido sanado, Spadamon explica que su casa, Zona Dulces, ha sido tomado por Matadormon del Ejército Bagra, que está obligando a los Digimon capturados hacer dulces para él. Xros Heart se arregla para tener acceso al castillo de Matadormon alegando que Akari es una patissere amo, y desafía al mejor patissere del Ejército Bagra, WaruMonzaemon, a un concurso de pastelería.
מייקי ונבחרת ההתאחדות מגיעים לאיזור חדש ומטעה - מצד אחד, כולו עשוי ממתקים מפתים, מצד שני - הרוע וההרס שולטים בו! על מנת להשיג את קוד הכתרים ולשלוט על האיזור, אנג'י נאלצת להתמודד בקרב אפייה מול שף דיג'ימון מרושע.