Mikey und sein Team erreichen die Scheiben-Zone. Dort treffen sie auf Christopher, der in ein Duell mit Blastmon um die Code-Krone verwickelt ist. Obwohl Christopher keine Hilfe will, springt Mikey ihm zur Seite – denn der Kampf droht die Zone zu zerstören! Während die Bagra-Truppen Verstärkung von Bulbmon bekommen, stürzen Blastmon, Shoutmon, Greymon und MailBirdramon plötzlich durch den Boden in die Tiefe. Schaffen es die Fusionskämpfer dennoch, die Scheiben-Zone zu retten?
In the Disc Zone, Kiriha has just obtained the Code Crown from Mercurymon and encountered with Blastmon where soon they started a battle. Xros Heart arrived and discovered the destruction made by DeckerGreymon (Kiriha's newly DigiXrossed Digimon) and Blastmon. Taiki tries to intervene the battle with Shoutmon ×4K but undesirable result occurs, as a sudden Xros open happens to Shoutmon ×4K, resulting the battle to become even worst. Just then, the ground collapses sending Blastmon out of the battle and separating Shoutmon, Greymon and MailBirdramon from the others. Realizing Disc Zone is continuously collapsing, Taiki fail to persuade Kiriha to save the Zone. Soon, a Bulbmon is unleashed by Blastmon to extend the chaos. Reunited with Taiki, Shoutmon is again forms into Shoutmon ×4K, which later starts to weaken again and Bulbmon almost crushes him. Greymon unexpectedly steps in to assist him by flipping Bulbmon over together and destroy him. Kiriha soon leaves the Zone and let Taiki to struggle alone in saving it.
Después Nene viaja temporalmente a otro lugar para encontrar pistas sobre su hermano, Xros Heart llega a la zona disco ahi el ejercito de Kiriha,Blue Flare; y los ejércitos de Blastmon están luchando. Kiriha acaba de entrar en posesión del código corona de la zona, y Blastmon lo desafía para su colección. Sin embargo, como los dos ejércitos luchan causan que la Zona se destruya, y MailBirdramon, Greymon, Shoutmon y Blastmon caen en el abismo.
לאחר שהצילו את הנסיכה של המוניטמונים, נבחרת ההתאחדות מגיעה לאיזור הדיסקים, איזור על סף התמוטטות... הם נתקלים גם שם בצבאו של בגרה ונאלצים להיאבק בו.