Drama series about a woman who seems to bring tragedy and misfortune to those close to her. At the end of their matric year, three school friends - Maryna, Karen and Dina - visit a fortuneteller. What starts as good fun takes an ominous turn when the seer fortells tragedy in all three their lives - and all caused by Maryna, "the dark one". While Dina doesn't hold much stock to the prophecy, it threatens to ruin Maryna's friendship with Karen. In the years that follow, it indeed seems that misfortune surrounds Maryna as her and her friends' lives are beset by accidents, suicide, betrayal, revenge and even murder. There is also a good dose political intrigue as Maryna's husband (Karen's former fiancé Neil MacDonald) gets involved with the influential and corrupt steel magnate Alwyn Dressler. In the second series, Maryna goes to jail after taking revenge on Dressler for Neil's death. Will she ever escape the fortune teller's prophecy and will she find love and happiness?