A mysterious storyteller begins to weave a tale of terror and ambiguity, while a Polish town in devastated by the British and Americans after Hitler is declared dead.
John receives orders to move his unit out into rural Poland with visions of the Gimp Pimp questioning morality. All the while something deep underground is brewing up trouble.
Looters join the hunt by arriving at the tunnel entrance. The mysterious storyteller's tale takes a darker turn as his intentions start to become clear.
The German soldiers and the remaining survivors of the recent attack make a grave decision. John and his unit make an unusual acquaintance with the Gimp Pimp making another grand appearance.
Payback hits home hard, while the looters make a valuable discovery. Denio wants more than just conversation from Anna as the group heads further towards salvation.
The season finale holds nothing back as the mysterious storyteller concludes his tale, while the Gimp Pimp offers John a new ideology and the tunnel reveals all it's secrets.