A story revolving around the complicated entanglements between an immortal with the magical ability to rewrite someone's fate and a film producer.
Due to civil strife, Chi Yu (Zhang Mingen), a guardian of the stars, accidentally loses the Sun Moon Jade which is used to maintain the balance of power in the cosmos. In his search, he ends up on earth and falls in love with a female general named Ji Wan (Xu Lu). To save her, Chi Yu rewrites her fate without permission, but it results in her failing to live past the age of thirty in each of her lifetimes.
Chi Yu is punished for his actions and imprisoned in The Big Dipper for three thousand years. After he gains freedom, Chi Yu returns to earth to fix the problems that he has caused. He reunites with the reincarnation of Ji Wan in the present day. She is Wen Xi, a a big shot film producer and a romance ensues.
Wen Suxi est une jeune femme humaine qui travaille en tant que productrice de programmes de divertissement. Elle tombe amoureuse d'un gardien céleste, Chi Yu. Ce dernier s'est rendu sur terre afin de retrouver un artefact important qui équilibre le pouvoir de l'univers. Pour tenter de la sauver, Chi Yu modifie à chaque fois le destin de Ji Wan mais en conséquence cela réduit sa durée de vie de 30 ans à chaque réincarnation.