Dennis and Gnasher is an animated British TV series based on characters from The Beano comic, which ran from 4 February 1996 until 5 July 1998. It was originally called "Dennis the Menace" in the UK, but was renamed "Dennis and Gnasher" in international countries to prevent confusion between both "Dennis" characters.
Season | From | To | Episodes |
All Seasons | |||
Specials | 0 | ||
Season 1 | April 1996 | July 1996 | 13 |
Season 2 | February 1998 | May 1998 | 13 |
Unassigned Episodes | 0 |
Season | From | To | Episodes |
Unassigned Episodes | 26 |
Season | From | To | Episodes |
Season 1 | 0 | ||
Unassigned Episodes | 26 |
No lists.
Dennis the Menace and Gnasher (originally titled Dennis the Menace and later titled Dennis and Gnasher) is a long-running comic strip in the British children's comic The Beano, published by DC Thomson, of Dundee, Scotland. The comic stars a boy named Dennis the Menace and his Abyssinian wire-haired tripe hound Gnasher.
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