A strange group of cultists have begun to gather a black mass in hopes of reviving an ancient devil lord known as Dante. Ryō Utsugi, a high school student, begins suffering strange dreams and premonitions. Soon after, Ryō's sister, Saori, is kidnapped by these cultists for use in their sacrificial ceremony in hopes of reawakening Dante. Ryō's premonitions guide him to the ceremony, and just before Saori is to be killed, the cultist's ceremony is disrupted by a force of holy men. This happens just in time for Ryō to save his sister from her fate.
Believing that Ryō's new-found powers could ultimately awaken Dante, the cultists cause a chain of events that lures Ryō high into the mountains, where he discovers a portal that takes him deep into the Himalayas and into Dante's prison. The devil lord Dante is presented as a giant monster similar to the size of Godzilla, but with bird-like legs, massive bat wings, and a tiny human face between the eyes. Using telekinetic powers, Dante uses Ryō to free himself from his ice prison, before consuming Ryō's body. The cultists then call another black mass together, and they summon Dante, only to find that Dante's mind has been conquered by Ryō Utsugi. Blinded by the rage of his new body, Ryō starts rampaging through Japan.
Later on, Saori has become the tool of God. God is seen as a villain in the series and the cultists are trying to stop God from allowing the apocalypse to occur. Demon Lord Satan is also awakened and helps Dante (Ryo)in his battle against God and his angels. Saori is transformed into an ultimate being, who is controlled by God himself. She battles Ryo fiercely, but they both stop, and they reunite as Adam and Eve. The final scene of the show shows them holding hands and walking in what seems as the Garden of Eden.
Ryo Utsugi est un jeune homme froid et solitaire. Mais depuis quelques mois, il fait toujours le même cauchemar: il rêve d'une montagne et du seigneur des démons, Dante, prisonnier des glaces.
La découverte d'un corps affreusement mutilé, amplifie ses rêves qui, très vite, se changent en prémonitions. Poursuivi par ses visions et un groupe sataniste, Ryo se retrouve au beau milieu d'une aventure qui a pour but de réveiller le plus puisssant et le plus dangereux des démons, le seigneur Dante lui-même....
Un gruppo di occultisti agisce nell'ombra nella speranza di far rivivere un potentissimo demone noto come Dante. Allo stesso tempo per le strade della città si aggira un serial killer che uccide le proprie vittime con violenza ferina, strappando loro il cuore dal petto. Ma tutto questo sembra non interessare Ryo Utsugi, un giovane ragazzo universitario, che tormentato da strani incubi notturni non riesce ormai a dormire bene da svariate notti. Solo una moto, regalatagli dai genitori sembra riportarlo alla serenità, una serenità che durerà comunque ben poco... (wikipedia.it)
Ryo Utsugi sufre de hace tiempo una pesadilla: sueña que es un demonio que está en el Himalaya, y que mataba gente en la prehistoria. Él pertenece a un equipo de alpinismo, y en sus sueños ve unos asesinatos en serie, chicas jóvenes que les están arrancando el corazón.
Ryou sufre un accidente de moto, pero se salva milagrosamente. Tras el accidente deja de sufrir las pesadillas, pero escucha y ve a las chicas que les arrancan el corazón pidiendo ayuda.
Eines Nachts übermahnt Ryo Utsugi ein Albtraum, in welchem ihn Monster angreifen. Kurz darauf lernt er eine neue mysteriöse Kraft zu gebrauchen, mit welcher er Stimmen hören kann und Visionen bekommt von Mädchen, die im Begriff sind, getötet zu werden. Doch eines Tages ist es ein und dieselbe Stimme...
Почти каждую ночь Рё Уцуги снятся жуткие кошмары, и каждый раз они становятся всё яснее. Как-то раз Рё узнаёт невероятную правду о себе и демонах, которые обитают среди людей. После всего этого его жизнь кардинально меняется.