2013/10/29 Headlines: U.S. Drone Strike Kills 2 in Somalia; Obama Admin May Halt NSA Spying on Foreign Leaders; Senate Intel Chair Opposes Spying on U.S. Allies; European Lawmakers Press U.S. on Surveillance; NSA Director Faces Congress Amid Surveillance Row; U.N.: Syria on Pace to Chemical Deadline; Child Polio Outbreak Confirmed in Northern Syria; U.S. Blames Shutdown for Failure to Answer on Guantánamo, NSA; Brazilian Judge Halts Construction of Belo Monte Dam; Federal Judge Strikes Down Key Part of Anti-Abortion Law; Ohio To Use Untested Drug Combination in Execution; Comey Orders FBI Employees to Visit <span class="caps">MLK Memorial; Penn State to Pay Nearly $60 Million to Sandusky Victims