Es kommt zu einer Konfrontation zwischen Ganta und Senji Kiyomasa, von dem Ganta glaubt, dass er der rote Mann sei. Er erkennt nicht nur, dass dieser nicht der rote Mann ist, sondern auch, dass Senji ein sogenannter "Deadman" ist, ein Häftling mit unglaublichen Kräften. Und auch in Ganta wohnen unglaubliche Kräfte.
Believing him to be the red man, Ganta attacks the strange inmate, known as Senji "Crow" Kiyomasa, but falls at a disadvantage against the blades he can form with his blood. After learning the nature of his power, The Branches of Sin, Ganta launches a counterattack, though soon realizes he is not the red man, but one of several 'Deadmen' with that power. Crow tries to attack Ganta again, but finds himself weak against Shiro before a special unit appears, tranquilising Ganta and Crow and taking Shiro and Yō to an empty corridor. As Ganta is examined, he comes face to face with Tamaki, who reveals he rigged Ganta's jury verdict to get him sent to Deadman Wonderland before revealing Ganta will face off against Crow in a battle the next day, tempting him with the prospect of coming face to face with Wretched Egg. As Ganta is tortured with footage of what a Corpse Carnival entails, Makina decides to confront the director concerning the mysteries of Block G.
Ganta attaque un codétenu qu'il prend pour l'Œuf pourri. Alors qu'il se trouve en mauvaise posture, il découvre les pouvoirs que lui confère la Branche du péché.
Credendo si tratti dell'Uomo Rosso, Ganta attacca lo sconosciuto noto come Senji "il Corvo" Kiyomasa; viene sconfitto da questo ma non prima di avergli inflitto una pesante ferita. Questo è il preludio dello scontro che avverrà fra i due durante il "Carnival Corpse".
Creyendo que él es el hombre rojo, Ganta ataca al extraño interno, conocido como Senji "Crow" Kiyomasa, pero cae en desventaja contra las cuchillas que puede formar con su sangre. Después de aprender la naturaleza de su poder, The Branches of Sin, Ganta lanza un contraataque, aunque pronto se da cuenta de que no es el hombre rojo, sino uno de varios 'Deadmen' con ese poder.
긴박한 순간에 나타난 한 남자. 그를 붉은 남자로 여긴 간타는 맹공에 나섰다가 오히려 당하고 만다. 그러나 덕분에 깨닫게 된 중요한 사실. 내게 '죄의 가지' 능력이 있었다!