Jo and Mike make a huge spider in the deadly art studio.
Nicola and Mike make a massive leopard out of four tonnes of sand.
Jo and Michelle make a beautiful stained glass window.
Mike and Nicola make an awesome aye-aye animation, and Mike demonstrates how to make aye-aye hands.
Nicola and Jo create a vibrant squid with glow in the dark ink.
Jo and Nicola use loads of tyres to create a massive scorpion sculpture.
Jo and Michelle make a creepy work of metal art.
Mike and Nicola pour lots of runny paint on a canvas to create a beautiful lion picture.
Michelle and Nicola use stencilling to create a colony of bats.
Mike and Nicola use wax and lots of chiffon to create an underwater painting of the barracuda.
Michelle and Jo use bin bags to create a pair of hunting black eagles, and Michelle demonstrates how to draw a Deadly Doodle.
Jo and Mike create a bunch of chimpanzees out of wood, moulds and a lot of spray paint! We'll show you how to draw a chimpanzee too, so grab your pencil.
Michelle and Nicola cut out lots of wooden shapes to create a perfect killer moment. Grab your pencil and join in with the Deadly Doodle!
The Nile crocodile is the subject of this episode's Big Art, and we'll show you how to draw your own Nile croc too!
The Pit Viper is the subject of this episode's Big Art and the team show you how to draw your own.
Mike and Nicola ink up a massive painting of a deadly hornet swarm, while Mike shows how to draw your own hornet in the Deadly Doodle section.
Mike and Jo make a huge lionfish in the Deadly Art studio and show how to draw a lionfish in the Deadly Doodle section.
With a pile of cans and a load of rivets, Mike and Michelle make the biggest snake ever built in the Deadly Art studio! Plus you can learn to draw your own snake in the Deadly Doodle section.
The team makes a giant anteater picture out of wallpaper. Also, grab your pencil for another Deadly Doodle.
Michelle and Mike make a hunting pack of sharks in the studio, and then demonstrate how to draw a shark.
Michelle and Jo create a comic book-style painting, and demonstrate how to draw an African hunting dog.
Mike and Michelle create an awesome polystyrene lizard, and show how to make your own deadly art.
Michelle and Mike create a gannet feeding frenzy using the paper-folding art of origami, and show how to make your own deadly art.
Michelle and Nicola fill the studio with a giant inflatable octopus, and show how to draw your own octopus too.
Inspired by his amazing list of Deadly 60 animals, Steve Backshall challenges a team of artists to create astounding deadly animal art. The Deadly artists push art to the limit in the big art, and they demonstrate another Deadly Doodle.