To the outside world, an affluent funeral director, Michael Roseboro, and his devoted wife, Jan, seem to have a picture-perfect life. However, Michael's philandering ways lead him to unthinkable crimes. Melinda and David Harmon are a loving Christian couple, but the police come knocking at their door, investigating a murder from 30 years ago. Susan Lucci hosts.
A woman from California finds her soul mate at the beach, and the loving couple soon marries. Unfortunately, her new husband hid the fact that he likes life in the fast-lane, which becomes obvious after his lover and a drug dealer come calling while he's at work. Later, college-bound newlyweds run into trouble after a jock has eyes for his ex-girlfriend.
For one doctor, a successful wife isn't enough to keep him from making the rounds with a young receptionist. And later, an accomplished cellist thinks she's found her match until an old fling pops up on the Internet.
Bill and Melanie McGuire have it all but when one of them cheats; their marriage ends with two bullets and three suitcases. Later, Rosemary Christensen marries Robert Temple, she embarks on a new adventure that results in a deadly affair.
A Michigan couple starts up a comic book store. When business heats up, they hire an outsider whose presence changes their marriage forever. And in Texas, a hot new coworker threatens the sanctity of a deeply Christian marriage, with deadly consequences.
Happily married Igancio and Heather Garraus were living a pleasant life until a wandering eye leads Ignacio to stray. Later, a ten year marriage falls apart when Robin Kalinowski, a bored wife, madly pursues an old friend, and the romance turns deadly.
Jonathan Nyce had everything until his beautiful wife gets down and dirty with the local landscaper and things turn fatal. Later, an affair with the handsome repairman shatters the Craven's once happy marriage. In these trios, someone will lose it all.
When a former cheerleader goes into business with her husband's best friend, their marriage takes a deadly turn. And when a bodybuilder rekindles a romance with an old flame, it ignites a passion one of them will kill for.
It gives a whole new meaning to sibling rivalries when two brothers turn enemies and guns are drawn. Later, an Iowa truck driver takes in his hunting buddy when he falls on hard times. These brotherly bonds are about to get deadly.
When high school sweethearts Kay and David Parsons meet their new neighbors, an unlikely romance turns into a deadly obsession. Later, when a pastor comes to town, Randy and Teresa Stone learn a lesson that a passionate affair can lead to unholy murder.
Virginia and Norman Larzelere live a life of luxury, but when Virginia turns to other men, her need for attention turns deadly. Bill and Carolyn Exum live a normal life until she becomes bored and turns to an old classmate. This romance doesn't end well.
For a Lynchburg assistant principal, time at his lake house isn't dull. When things heat up between him and a secret mistress, it's an education in murder. Later, a teacher plays naughty with her student and things end deadly. Who says school is boring?
Racing enthusiasts Mark and Janet Howard seem happy, until young driver Derek Ofenham enters the picture. What starts as a fling becomes a fatal attraction. Later, Danielle and Bobby Regan's marriage collapses when Bobby's affair comes to light. This trio
A beauty queen and a ball player have a world champion affair. Their charmed life turns deadly when someone is eager to score. Later, a pizza boy and an accountant find the ticket to marital bliss, but when an affair heats things up, someone gets burned.
Running Enthusiasts Pam and Bob Bulik have a perfect life, until Bob starts running into the arms of another woman. April and Justin Barber are a young couple struggling with a long distance relationship. When lonely Justin strays, it ends with murder.
Bobby Lozano is happily married to his college sweetheart, Viki. The couple seems to have it all, until Bobby's wandering eye, results in tragedy. Later, Shelley Stears's perfect family is jeopardized when she turns to an Internet chat room for love.
Archie and Mary Ann McFarland live a very untraditional life. Archie lets his wife fool murderous results. And, Kevin and Morgan Mengel marry young. While Kevin works hard to provide for his family...Morgan wanders. It's a recipe for disaster.
Shaun Cleland's military career separates him from his young bride. And when they each take lovers, someone is bound to lose it all. Later, Ronnie Skipper supports his wife Catina's dream of music stardom...until she starts to make music with someon else
Kevin and Gina Spann know that life in the military is anything but easy. But when Kevin goes away, Gina plays. Adam Kostewicz and Grace Pianka are trying to live the American dream. But when that dream turns into a nightmare, someone ends up dead.
Donald and Jennifer Clark are living happily in a quiet Suburban town, until Donald invites one of her lovers into their home. Later, Robert and Kandi Hall have a perfect life, when the young paralegal catches her boss' eye, guns are drawn.
Fred and Amber Dalton's marriage becomes a battle when Fred lies about his affair with a feisty young woman. Later, lwhen Specialist Megan Touma breaks the military's rules with fellow serviceman Edgar Patino...with deadly consequences.
Faviell and Charles “Eva” Martinez are doomed from the moment they meet. Wandering eyes lead these lovers on a treacherous path. Shaun and Trisha Stemple have the idealic life. That is, until Shaun meets a young waitress, turning this family inside out.
Brandan Perry always thought of Veronica Paz as his girl, but when her attention is diverted to a younger man tempers flare. And later, Sue and Joe Gigliotti have it all, but when Sue's eye goes wandering, the balancing act comes crashing down.
The passion between Mirinda and Sam Boob is red-hot, until lies and betrayals tarnish their happiness. And, Tony Hayes loves being a model officer/ladies' man. Monique Johnson catches his wandering eye. When another lover looms, who will pay the price?
Love is in bloom for a young marine and his wife, until a musician sweeps in, leaving behind lies and treachery. Later a belly-dancing temptress chooses between her martial arts husband and her doctor lover. Passion and jealousy will explode into murder.
Cesar and Christina Laurean's Marine marriage ranks perfection, but when Lance Corporal Maria Lauterbach, joins the regiment, disaster strikes. Then, Ann and Ted Throneberry are perfect, until long hours away from home leave one heart burned by betrayal.
Kathy Augustine is now on her fourth hubby, Chaz Higgs. But a whirlwind romance that seems like heaven, soon leads to hell. Later, her daughter Dallas is no stranger to a bad romance, and learns the most unconventional love triangles can be deadliest.
The Tyburskis live a stormy suburban life right up to the day Dorothy Tyburski disappears. Will her daughter unlock the secret to what happened? And in Emporia, Kansas, the Anderson family is rocked by two tragic deaths that leave the small town reeling.
In Sioux Falls' deaf community, Darlene Vander Giesen finds the perfect romance until a jealous friend severs the bond. Later, pilot Lance Anderson makes flight attendant, Kathi, his wife. When she meets Capt. Gerald Russell, heavy turbulence ensues.
A shootout at the Jamison's rural Kentucky home baffles the community and leaves more questions than answers. And then, in Miami Florida, the Cohens are the epitome of high society living until their life in the fast lane comes to a fiery crash.
A lonely man in Florida has a whirlwind romance with a flight attendant, but her secrets will soon lead him down a path of betrayal and murder...Then, in suburban Seattle, the real truth about a picture perfect family is revealed when someone vanishes.
Robert Marshall loves his money and his mistress, but when his wife hires a PI to catch him in the act, who will pay? The passion between Lisa and Ron Hunter is electric, until a younger man jeopardizes their happiness. Will jealousy turn to murder?
A businessman with a family in California and a mistress in China thinks he has it all, but this international dalliance has deadly consequences. Then, in central Louisiana, an unlikely co-ed love triangle ends in murder, but there is more to this story.
Mary and John Anderson are living the American dream, until they get wrapped up in the dangerous game of couple's roulette. Later, a love affair takes a murderous turn when David Swinehart discovers his wife skinny dipping in the gene pool.
In New Jersey, Kimberly Tetz has it all, but all good things come to an end when someone ends up on the losing end of a deadly ultimatum. And later, pianist Tom Whitney finally meets the love of his life, but this true love story will end on a sour note.
Sexy Russian co-ed, Irina Zadornov falls for an aspiring lawyer, but she doesn't know he's still hot for an old flame. And later, when a Texas heartthrob, with a rotating slate of lovers, goes missing, investigators are left with no shortage of questions.