Because her boyfriend disliked the pet piglet, Zhu Zhu secretly left the pet pig at the door of the pet store. However, she was punished by the mysterious pet store manager. She would turn into a piglet every nine o'clock in the evening, and her adopter was actually her immediate boss. Lu Ming. From then on, the social animal Zhu Zhu lived a miserable life of being a dog during the day and a pet pig at night. In order to find a way to become a human being, Zhu Zhu and her boss began to contract and live together, and they were inseparable from each other.
Zhu Zhu est contrainte de se séparer d’Oscar, son porcelet de compagnie. Le soir même, elle dépose l’animal dans un refuge et se fait quitter par son petit ami. Inconsolable, Zhu boit toute la nuit et perd connaissance. À son réveil, elle a pris la place d’Oscar et est elle-même devenue un petit cochon. C’est alors que Lu Ming, son patron, apparaît dans la boutique et décide de l’adopter...