Will asks Gabi if the search was on for Andrew's so called accomplice. Melanie reveals to a stunned Chad and Daniel that she changed her mind about being against Nick's parole. Sami learns that Chad and Gabi have quit modelling at Countess W and asks Will if he knows what's wrong with Gabi. Brady informs Kate he's promoting her and not firing her, which Victor supports. Sonny tries to make ammends with Tad by apologizing for attacking him and says he's right about him having feelings for Will. Will tells Sami that he can't look after Gabi anymore. Victor tells Brady he got word from Maggie about Nick being granted release. Chad tells Gabi there's no way he gonna allow her to take Sami's offer, and will take something from her just like she did with Melanie. Will sees Sonny but turns around not feeling like talking to him. Kate tells Sami she is gonna bring her down as well as her company. Brady warns Maggie about supporting Nick.