Sami is shocked when she faces two men that look like her husband. Nicole goes and finds Taylor talking to Lexie at the pub. Melanie tells Abigail she has a lot of nerver to blame her father. E.J. tells Stefano that he's going to be staying with Nicole. "Rafe" points a gun at Rafe and tells Sami that he's an impostor and the games over. Maxine tells Daniel that if he doesn't do something something going to happen with his and Jennifer's daughter. "Rafe" tells Sami that the DiMera's made this guy to take him place. Daniel and Jennifer break up the fight between Melanie and Abigail. Chloe takes out the envelope which contains money from Quinn, she's then startled by Brady. Sami stands in front of Rafe and tells "Rafe" saying she's not going to let him shoot him, "Rafe" pushes her and she is knocked out. Chloe tells Brady that she's going to be moving out on her own. Stefano doesn't believe that E.J. is back with Nicole for the children's sake. Abigail and Melanie apologize to one another. Stefano asks Nicole why she's suddenly thanking Rafe. Sami grabs the gun as the two Rafe's are fighting saying she will shoot, it then goes off.