Die Ergebnisse des Songcontests werden ausgewertet und gegen Mikus Performance konnte die Raizen High School nicht bestehen. Doch das Café erweist sich als wahrer Garant und könnte Shidous Schule doch noch den Vorrang bringen. Das aber erweckt den unbändigen Zorn von Miku, die mithilfe von Gabriel den Gesang der Sirenen entfesselt.
As the score results for the annual contest comes in, even though Miku won the best performance, the support of Raizen's Maid Café earns Shido enough declare winner. Depress and refusing to accept Shiori's friendship, Miku unleashes her angel Solo brainwashing the crowd, except Tohka, and hold down Shiori. But then Miku finds out Shiori is a guy leading her totally shock. To make matters worse, Fraxinus and Kotori fallen under Miku's control too, and Ellen abducts Tohka. Shido manages to escape, however, he is now a fugitive in the city. Thought-out the disturbance, Shido meets Kurumi and begs her to help him. Tohka awakens in the DEM facility restrained.
Vengono svelati i risultati del concorso e la squadra vincitrice è quella di Shido, ma Miku, non accettando la sconfitta, prende il controllo di tutto il pubblico.
頼れるものは己のみ!? すべてを引き剥がされ、絶望だけが残された士道!
A medida que llegan los resultados del concurso anual, a pesar de que Miku ganó la mejor actuación, el apoyo de Raizen's Maid Café le gana a Shido lo suficiente como para declarar ganador. Deprimida y negándose a aceptar la amistad de Shiori, Miku desata su ángel Solo lavando el cerebro de la multitud, excepto Tohka, y mantiene presionada a Shiori.