Shidou soll darüber entscheiden, wer der nächste Windgeist wird: Kaguya oder Yuzuru. Um ihn zu bezirzen und so sein Urteil zu beeinflussen, lassen sich die beiden allerhand einfallen. Derweil schwebt Touka in großer Gefahr, denn die D.E.M. hat es auf sie abgesehen …
The twin spirits, still trying to seduce Shido, start cuddling up to Shido completely naked in bed. The situation worsens when one of his teachers walks in on the mess. Later, Shido plans to seal the Yamai twins' powers without letting one of them win in an effort to avoid both the unpredictability of the loser and what would happen to the loser's personality. During their contest, they have Shido coat their backs in suntan lotion ending up turned on from the application. Later, the Yamai sisters team up with Shido to take on Tohka and Origami in a volleyball game in which the winner is the former's team. During the afternoon, Origami is ambushed by a strange mech-like being.
Yuzuru e Kaguya continuano la loro sfida per cercare di sedurre Shido, che però pianifica insieme a Reine un modo per sigillare i loro poteri senza che una delle due sparisca.
Los espíritus gemelos, aún tratando de seducir a Shido, comienzan a abrazar a Shido completamente desnudo en la cama. La situación empeora cuando uno de sus maestros entra en el desastre. Más tarde, Shido planea sellar los poderes de los gemelos Yamai sin permitir que uno de ellos gane en un esfuerzo por evitar tanto la imprevisibilidad del perdedor como lo que sucedería con la personalidad del perdedor.