
Darkroom is an American television thriller series that aired on ABC from November 27, 1981 to January 15, 1982. It is an anthology horror/thriller series, similar in style to Rod Serling's Night Gallery. Each 60 minute episode features two or more stories of varying length with a new story and a new cast, but each episode wraparound is hosted by James Coburn.

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Season From To Episodes
All Seasons
Specials 0
Season 1 November 1981 January 1982 16
Unassigned Episodes 0
Season From To Episodes
Unassigned Episodes 16
Absolute ordering places all episodes in a single ordered season. This is generally used for anime.
Season From To Episodes
Season 1 0
Unassigned Episodes 16
Name Number of Episodes Dates
Christopher Crowe 15 12/04/1981 - 01/15/1982
Peter S. Fischer 4 12/04/1981 - 01/15/1982
Brian Clemens 1 01/15/1982
Mary Ann Kasica 1 01/08/1982
Alan Brennert 1 11/27/1981
Violet Pullbrook 1 12/11/1981
Peter Allan Fields 1 01/08/1982
Simon Muntner 1 11/27/1981
Gerald K. Siegel 1 01/15/1982
Michael Scheff 1 01/08/1982
Name Number of Episodes Dates
Robert Bloch 5 12/04/1981 - 12/25/1981
Rick Rosenthal 4 11/27/1981 - 01/08/1982
Paul Lynch 4 11/27/1981 - 01/15/1982
Peter Crane 3 12/11/1981 - 01/15/1982
Jeffrey Bloom 2 12/18/1981 - 12/25/1981
John McPherson 2 12/04/1981 - 12/25/1981
Curtis Harrington 2 12/18/1981
Fredric Brown 1 12/25/1981
Robert R. McCammon 1 12/18/1981
William F. Nolan 1 12/25/1981
Cornell Woolrich 1 01/08/1982
Davis Grubb 1 12/11/1981

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