ترفض ميرنا عرض يوسف وتتهمه بالأنانية، وتتحضر ميرنا للمشاركة بأول حلقة من برنامج المسابقة، فؤاد يقابل سامي ويخبره بأنه ابنه ويطالبه بالاعتراف ببه، ترفض ميرا التخلي عن يوسف رغم فظاظته معها.
Mirna rejects Yusef's offer and accuses him of being selfish, and Mirna prepares to participate in the first episode of the contest program. Fouad meets Sami and tells him that he is his son and asks him to recognize him. Mira refuses to give up Youssef despite his rudeness with her.