Home / Series / Dangerous Women / Aired Order / Season 1 / Episode 19

Episode Nineteen

Patricia discusses her concern for Joe with Cissie; John Randell discusses prison reform with Maria; Brad shows Debbie a picture of her he had published in a magazine; Cissie is informed that Ron has been in a serious accident; Debbie gets upset over Brad's apprehensiveness; Crystal gives Debbie bad advice about men; Maria applies for a job as a prison guard; Debbie flirts with Ricky to make Brad jealous; Lorainne and Cissie make up during their visit with Ron in the hospital; Debbie and Ricky go for a bike ride; Ron comes out of his coma; Patricia is introduced to Ben Cronin; Ben interrogates Captain Goddard about the wherabouts of the money; Ben threatens to harm Cissie's family unless she informs him of the missing money and Faith's whereabouts; Goddard and Rita find the missing money in Tony Osorio's boat.

  • Originally Aired October 9, 1991
  • Runtime 45 minutes
  • Network UPN
  • Created November 9, 2006 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified March 10, 2025 by
Name Type Role
Cindy Jervey Prial Writer
Reg Watson Writer
Rocci Chatfield Writer
Lois Booton Writer
Elizabeth Snyder Writer
Anthony Morina Director