Kerry stretches his wings when veteran pilot Marcio offers him the copilot seat in a sleek Phenom jet. The duo must ferry this jet 19,000 kilometres, from Australia to the U.S., skirting North Korean airspace with pit stops in Russia. On the other side of the globe, Cory and Randy set a thirty-year-old Bonanza on course for the darkest parts of the Amazon Jungle.
Kerry stretches his wings when veteran pilot Marcio offers him the copilot seat in a sleek Phenom jet. The duo must ferry this jet 19,000 kilometres, from Australia to the U.S., skirting North Korean airspace with pit stops in Russia. On the other side of the globe, Cory and Randy set a thirty-year-old Bonanza on course for the darkest parts of the Amazon Jungle. - See more at:
Kerry och vane piloten Marcio flyger ett jetplan 1 900 mil från Australien till USA. De flyger nära nordkoreanskt område och stannar till i Ryssland.